naptime cuddles- demon slayer

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little: giyuu

cg: sanemi

giyuu makes car noises as he runns around the house holding his favorite toy car. he runs into the living room comming to an abupt holt and says "daddy look!" excitedly once im looking at him he starts running again diving onto a pile of pillows on the couch next to me. making me laugh and him brake out in a fit of giggles. 

"thats verry cool" 

"fankies" he quickly gets up and runs over to where he left his other toy cars on the living room floor. he sits down and quickly becomes fully entranced in them.

i wach him play for a while before i say "hey buddy its nap time".

"nu" giyuu respons not looking up from his toy cars 

"come on hun i can tell your tired" i sit down next to him. he has bags under his eyes. he got aroungd an hour of sleep last night. because he had a mision which he finished quite easly but when he got home and i got him settled and asleep he had a nightmere and wouldent go back to sleep. 

"nu! wan pway!" 

"okay how about we get you a nice warm bottle and i'll stay with you while you nap and cuddle with you then when you wake up we can watch a movie"

"we watch raya an da wast dagon?" (raya and the last dragon) he asks excitedly.

"yes of corse we can"

"otay" he finally gives in. 

i pick him up and carry him upstairs to our room and over to the changing table quickly changing him into a fluffy onesie and a fresh diaper. i set him down on the bed "ill be back in a second im just going to go make your bottle"

"otay daddy" 

i hand him his stuffie so he can play with it while im gorne. i head down stairs to the kitchion and grab one of his bottles i rince it out and start to prepre his angle milk. once its finished i grab it and head back upstairs. 

"you ready bub?" i ask. he nods so i pick him up and lay him in my lap. i hold the nipple of the bottle close to his mouth he emeietly laches into it.

"slow down buddy" i say "we dont want you to get sick"  he slows down. soon hes finished the bottle. i burp him and we settle him into bed and i wrap my arms around him. he snuggles into my chest. 

"ni-ni daddy wove you"

"i love you to buddy" i say

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