nightmear demon slayer

911 7 0

little: giyuu

cg: sanemi 

tw: mention of diapers useage of diaper and bed wetting. tw will be before the parts where it is mentiond. 

sanemi and giyuu were on a mission together. they had booked a hotel room for the night. sanemi was tied so once the got into the room he went stright to bed and fell asleep. giyuu tried to do the same but he kept having bad dreams of his sisters and sabitos death of his step mothers abuse. giyuu had stared crying in his sleep.

!bed wetting start!

sanemi woke up at this sound. he walked over to giyuus bed. he noticed that giyuu had had an accident. he felt a little sorry for him. he gently woke him up. giyuu jumped his eyes snaping open. 

"hey are you alright?" sanemi asked. giyuu didnt respond. "you er had an accsident" sanemi said

giyuu froze for a moment before he pulled his knees up to his chest and his his face "m sowy pwes dwont huwert me" (im sorry please dont hurt me)

!bed wetting end!

sanemi had known about age regression for a while but he'd never seen anyone do it before. "no no no its alright i wont hurt you . . . how old are you?" he asked tentivly.  giyuu held up one finger. "do you want to get changed?" sanemi asked the little. giyuu nodded. "do you have anything to change into?" giyuu pointed to a pastel rainbow bag at the fot of his bed. 

sanemi grabbed the bag and sat back down on the bed. he unziped the bag and took out a bunny stuffy and a blue paci. he handed the stuffy to giyuu and put the paci in his mouth. that seemed to chear him up a bit. 

!small mention of diapers start!

sanemi dug through the bag a little more he pulled out a onesie. he noticed that there were a few diapers in the bag. he took note of this just in case.

"do you want me to change you" sanemi asked giyuu nodded. sanemi picked him up and lay him down on the floor. and slowly and carefully undressed giyuu and put him in the diaper and onesie. 

!small mention of diapers end!

"do you want to watch something?" sanemi asked and giyuu knoded. sanemi turned on the tv and put on the kids channle. he then sat giyuu on the floor and sat next to fhim as they wached tv.

!useage of diapers start!

after a while of watching tv sanemi noticed giyuu was squirming around a lot. "are you ok bud?" he asked. 

"i-i . . . i werwy hwav tw pee" giyuu said quietly. 

sanemi grabbed a diaper out of giyuus bag "do you want to put this on?" giyuu nodded. sanemi quickly picked giyuu up and lay him on the floor. not wanting him to have another acceident. he took off his onesie and put the diaper on him. he then picked him up and sat him in his lap. giyuu didn't want to pee while sitting in sanemi's lap what if he thought it was disgusting or what if his diaper leaks. 

sanemi tickled giyuu's tummy making him giggle. once realising he wet his diaper giyuu bust out in tears. 

!useage of diapers end!

"hey hey its ok" sanemi said noticing that the yellow line on the bottom of the diaper had tured blue "ill change you don't cry its alright"

sanemi changed giyuu and settled him in bed and got in with him. giyuu cuddled up to giyuu to sanemi and fell asleep. soon sanemi fell asleep as well. 

its short but i dont care. thank you for reading.

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