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little: kokichi

this does not follow canon events,

this contains gore so please dont read if you are little

a scream ecoced through the halls of hope's peak academy. it alerted all of the students that hured it.  and rightfully so since they were in the middle of a killing game. the three students that were in the cafitefia were emeidetly up and running to where they hured the scream from. these students were kaito momota, shuichi saihara and angie yonaga. 

"give lamby back" kokichi cried 

"oh why do you need it" maki said tormenting kokichi holding his beloved stuffed lamb. "your such a baby"

kokichi couldnt speak any more he just sobbed and sobbed curling in on himself, slipping his thumb into his mouth and sucking on it, trying to self sothe 

"hey maki roll" kaito stepped in "i think you should give it back to him"

Maki scowled, her grip tightening on the stuffed lamb. "And why should I? He's been nothing but a pain to everyone here."

Shuichi, ever the voice of reason, placed a gentle hand on Maki's shoulder. "Look, Maki, we all handle this situation differently. If this is what Kokichi needs to feel safe, then we should respect that."

Angie nodded, her usually cheerful demeanor taking on a more somber tone. "Yes, Atua would want us to show compassion. Even to those who have wronged us."

Maki sighed, her resolve wavering. Finally, she relented and handed the lamb back to Kokichi. As soon as it was in his grasp, Kokichi hugged it tightly, his sobs gradually quieting down. Kaito knelt beside him, a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay, Kokichi?" Kaito asked softly.

Kokichi nodded slightly, still clutching his lamb. His eyes, red from crying, met Kaito's with a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. "Th-thank you," he whispered.

"Hey, we're all in this together," Kaito said, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "We need to look out for each other."

As the group started to relax, the tension easing from the room, a sudden announcement blared through the academy's PA system. Monokuma's grating voice echoed through the halls.

"Attention, students! A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the gymnasium immediately!"

Panic surged through the group. Shuichi stood up, his detective instincts kicking in. "We need to get to the gym and find out what happened. Stay close, everyone."

They hurried through the halls, the earlier drama forgotten in the face of this new crisis. Upon arriving at the gym, they were greeted by a gruesome sight. In the center of the room lay the lifeless body of Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid.

Shuichi immediately began to examine the scene, his mind racing to piece together the clues. "We need to secure the area and gather everyone here. No one leaves until we figure out who did this."

Kaito nodded, his usual bravado replaced by grim determination. "We'll find out who did this, Kirumi. I promise."

As the investigation began, the remaining students gathered in the gym, fear and suspicion heavy in the air. Kokichi, still clutching his lamb, stood close to Kaito, his earlier vulnerability now replaced by a steely resolve.

In this twisted game of life and death, trust was a rare commodity. But as long as they stuck together, there was hope. And they would find the truth, no matter what it took.

As the students gathered around Kirumi's body, Monokuma appeared on the large screen at the front of the gym, his sinister grin ever-present.

"Upupu! Looks like the killing game is heating up again!" Monokuma cackled. "Remember, you've got a limited time to investigate before the class trial. Make sure you do a good job, or it'll be curtains for all of you!"

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