too little to skate - sk8

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Reki and Langa rolled into the skate park, the sun casting long shadows across the ramps and rails. It was a perfect day for skating: clear skies, a gentle breeze, and the park all to themselves. Langa, with his usual calm demeanor, led the way, while Reki followed, buzzing with his boundless energy.

They warmed up with a few laps around the park, weaving in and out of the obstacles with ease. Reki, as always, pushed himself to try new tricks, his enthusiasm infectious. Langa admired his friend's determination and the way his face lit up every time he landed a trick.

After a while, Langa decided to take a break. He skated over to a nearby bench, sitting down to catch his breath. Reki, however, was far from finished. He gave Langa a quick thumbs-up before heading back to the half-pipe.

"Don't tire yourself out, Reki!" Langa called after him, smiling.

Reki flashed him a grin. "I'll be fine! Just watch!"

But as Langa watched, Reki's tireless energy seemed to push him too far. He attempted a particularly difficult trick, one he had been struggling with for weeks. As he launched into the air, time seemed to slow down. His board tilted awkwardly beneath him, and Langa's heart skipped a beat as he saw Reki's expression change from determination to alarm.

Reki landed hard, his body skidding across the concrete. The sound of the impact echoed through the park, followed by a sharp cry of pain. Langa was on his feet in an instant, sprinting towards his fallen friend.

"Reki!" he shouted, his voice filled with worry.

Reki was on his hands and knees, blood trickling from his grazed palms and knees. Tears welled up in his eyes, and as Langa reached him, he saw something shift in Reki's gaze. The confident, lively teenager seemed to vanish, replaced by a much younger, frightened version of himself.

Langa knelt beside him, gently placing a hand on Reki's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here. Let's get you fixed up."

Reki's sobs grew louder, his breath hitching as he looked up at Langa with wide, tear-filled eyes. "hurts, Langa... hurts so much..."

Langa's heart ached at the sight. He had seen Reki hurt before, but never like this. It was as if the fall had not only injured him physically but had also stripped away his bravado, leaving him vulnerable and scared.

"Shh, I've got you," Langa murmured, his voice soothing. He carefully helped Reki to his feet, guiding him over to the bench. Reki clung to him, his small hands gripping Langa's shirt tightly.

Langa rummaged through his backpack, finding a small first aid kit. He cleaned Reki's wounds as gently as he could, wincing every time Reki flinched or whimpered. "I'm sorry, Reki. I know it hurts, but you'll feel better soon, okay?"

Reki nodded, his sobs quieting to soft sniffles. "f-fank you, Langa..."

Langa smiled, placing colorful band-aids on Reki's hands and knees. "There we go. All patched up. You're a brave kid, you know that?"

Reki's eyes, still glistening with tears, looked up at Langa with a mix of gratitude and trust. "Can go home now?"

"Of course," Langa replied, helping Reki stand. "Let's get you home."

The journey back to Reki's house was quiet. Reki held onto Langa's hand tightly, his usual chatter replaced by silence. Langa didn't mind; he knew Reki needed time to feel safe again.

Once home, Langa led Reki to the living room, settling him on the couch. "How about we watch some cartoons? Sound good?"

Reki nodded eagerly, his eyes lighting up at the suggestion. Langa found some of Reki's favorite shows, and they curled up together on the couch. Reki nestled against Langa, finding comfort in his friend's presence.

As the cartoons played, Langa felt Reki relax, the tension slowly leaving his body. He wrapped an arm around Reki, holding him close. "You're going to be okay, Reki. I'm here, and I'll always take care of you."

Reki looked up at him, a small smile forming on his lips. 

They spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up together, the sounds of laughter and animated voices filling the room. Langa's heart swelled with a deep sense of protectiveness and love for his friend. No matter what happened, he knew they would always have each other's backs, in the skate park and beyond.

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