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little: leo
cgs: ralph donnie mikey

The lair was unusually quiet, save for the occasional whirr of Donnie's tech in the background. Leo lay on the couch, bundled under a pile of blankets, looking pale and exhausted. He had been regressed to a more childlike state and on top of that, he had caught a nasty stomach bug.

Donnie hovered nearby, his expression a mix of worry and determination. His usual confidence in handling any situation was tested by the sight of his twin brother so vulnerable and sick.

"Raph, can you bring me the thermometer?" Donnie asked without looking up from the portable medical scanner he was using to monitor Leo's vital signs.

Raph, who had been pacing anxiously, nodded and grabbed the thermometer from the kitchen. "Here," he said, handing it to Donnie. "How's he doing?"

Donnie frowned. "His temperature is still too high. We need to keep him hydrated, but he keeps throwing up everything we give him."

As if on cue, Leo moaned softly and turned on his side, curling up into a ball. His small frame trembled with chills. Donnie gently placed a cool hand on Leo's forehead, trying to soothe him.

"Hey, Leo, it's okay. We're right here," Donnie whispered, his voice softer than usual. "Mikey, can you bring some ginger tea? Maybe that will help his stomach."

Mikey, who had been sitting quietly nearby, leapt up. "On it, Donnie!" He quickly set to work, preparing the tea with an almost frantic energy, determined to help his brother feel better.

Raph sat down next to Leo and rubbed his back gently. "Hang in there, buddy. We've got you."

Leo whimpered softly, his eyes half-lidded and glassy with fever. "D-Donnie... feel yuky..."

"I know, Leo," Donnie said, his heart aching at the sight. "We're doing everything we can to help you. Just try to rest, okay?"

Mikey returned with a steaming cup of ginger tea. "Here, Leo. Just a few sips, okay?" He held the cup carefully, helping Leo drink a little. Leo took a few small sips before pulling back, his face contorting in discomfort.

"M-M' tummy hurts..." Leo mumbled, tears welling up in his eyes.

Donnie's hand tightened on the scanner. "We'll get through this, Leo. I promise." He adjusted the blankets around Leo, trying to keep him comfortable.

Hours passed with the three brothers taking turns caring for Leo. Raph used his strength to help reposition Leo when he was too weak to move. Mikey kept a constant supply of cool compresses and soothing words. Donnie monitored Leo's condition closely, making sure his twin was stable.

In a rare moment of quiet, Leo reached out weakly, his fingers brushing against Donnie's arm. "D-Donnie... thank you..."

Donnie's eyes softened. "You don't need to thank me, Leo. We're brothers. We take care of each other."

Leo managed a small, weak smile before drifting back into a restless sleep. 

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