its ok to feel little-voltron

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im writting this while waching a livestream of all the sophia the first episodes that are on youtube so this oneshot might jump around a bit so sorry for that :p

little: keith 

cg: lance


lances pov:

i can tell somethings up with keith. well more spesifcly i can tell keith is feeling little and he is cloce to if not alredy regressing. the only problem is we are in meeting with another planet's leaders trying to form an aiance with them. keith is always quiet during these. he really cant stand noise when to many people are talking and having to sit still for so long. he just completly shuts down and regresses. most of the time in these sort of meetings are fine for him but today alura told ut that  every one has to be on there best behavoir and she spesicficly told keith not to fidget. after what seems like ages the meating ends and i glance back over at keith. he's rubbing his fingers across the enbrodery on the table cloth. i quickly get up and head over to his seat. i place my hands on his sholders which makes him jump and wip around. he relaxes when he sees its me.

"hey buddy how old are you" i ask gently and quietly

"i's free dada" (im three dada)

"ok come on lets get back to the casle" i grab his hand and lead him over to shiro who by the way also knows about keith regesstion. "hey shiro" i wisper once we reach him he turns to look as me "im taking keith back to the casle hes feeling little so we wont be at the celabration"

"ok" he says "ill cover for you if nessaserry" 

"thanks" i say as i lead keith who is cunetly holding the hem of my shirt.

we bord the blue lion and i pilot it back to the casle. after i land it i take keith back to his room. 

"lets get you into something more comfy"

"mhm" he replies. he seems a little upset but i think thats just becuse hes uncomtable. 

"do you wanna pick what to wear or do you want dada to?" i ask 

"dada pick" he says. so i grab his favorite foottie red and yellow onesie. i also grab him his paci and a matching paci clip. and i grab him an alphabet patterned diaper as well. i change him into his clothes and atach his paci to the paci clip and put the paci clip on his onesie. 

"ok bud all ready ill go get you something to drink then we can cuddle" 


i grab his sippy cup and head down to the kitchen fill it with juice screw the cap shut and head back to his room. i open the door and i hear him crying and hes hiding under the blanket. "hey buddy whats wrong" i ask sitting on the bed next to him. i gently pull the blanket off of his head.

"i's sowy *hic* dada" 

"for what?" 

"dada had to *hic* lweve cus of *hic* me"

"no no baby i dont mind id rather be here with you anyway"

"dada sure" 

"yes baby now how about we cuddle" 

he nods i put his sippy cup on his bed side table and wrap my arms around him and we snuggle. he falls asleep and i follow soon after. 

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