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cg apple jack

little rainbow dash

apple Jack's POV

"AJ!!!!!" Rainbow yells, running into the living room of our shared apartment. "I wanna go to the park!!!"

"Are you little, hunny?"

"Nu, I'm four," she says proudly. "I'm a big girl."

"Oh yes, you are such a big girl."

"We go now?"

"Let me grab your sippy, then we can go," Apple Jack says as she walks into the kitchen, with Rainbow following closely behind her. Apple Jack grabs Rainbow's backpack containing her sippy cup, her favorite pony stuffy, and a few other items that she might need.

"Yes, let's go now." Apple Jack grabs Rainbow's backpack and smiles down at her.

"Let's goooooooo!" Rainbow grabs her caregiver's hand and leads her out the door, only stopping so that AJ can lock their apartment door. As soon as Apple Jack is done, Rainbow pulls her towards the park.

The park is just a few blocks away, and the walk there is filled with Rainbow's excited chatter about what she wants to do when they get there. Apple Jack smiles, enjoying the sight of Rainbow's happiness. It's a warm, sunny day, perfect for spending time outside.

When they arrive at the park, Rainbow's eyes light up even more. She lets go of Apple Jack's hand and runs towards the playground, her pigtails bouncing with each step. Apple Jack follows at a more leisurely pace, carrying the backpack and keeping a watchful eye on Rainbow.

"Look, AJ! I'm on the swings!" Rainbow calls out, already seated on one of the swings and pumping her legs to get higher.

"Hold on tight, sugarcube!" Apple Jack encourages, finding a bench nearby to sit on. She places the backpack beside her and watches as Rainbow swings back and forth, her laughter filling the air.

After a while, Rainbow hops off the swing and runs over to the slide. She climbs up the ladder with the agility of a monkey and slides down with a triumphant "Wheeee!" Apple Jack chuckles and waves each time Rainbow looks her way.

"AJ, watch me climb!" Rainbow shouts as she heads for the jungle gym. Apple Jack nods and watches intently, ready to step in if Rainbow needs any help.

After an hour of non-stop playing, Rainbow finally comes over to where Apple Jack is sitting, looking a bit tired but still cheerful. Apple Jack hands her the sippy cup filled with apple juice, and Rainbow drinks eagerly.

"Feeling better?" Apple Jack asks, brushing a strand of hair out of Rainbow's face.

"Yeah," Rainbow nods, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "Can we sit for a bit?"

"Of course, sugarcube," Apple Jack says, patting the bench beside her. Rainbow climbs up and snuggles close, resting her head on Apple Jack's shoulder.

They sit in comfortable silence for a while, watching other kids play and enjoying the warm breeze. Apple Jack is content, knowing that moments like these are precious. Taking care of Rainbow when she's regressed can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding.

"Thank you for bringing me to the park, AJ," Rainbow says softly, her eyes beginning to droop.

"Anytime, darlin'. Anytime," Apple Jack replies, wrapping an arm around Rainbow and holding her close.

As Rainbow's breathing evens out and she drifts off to sleep, Apple Jack smiles, feeling grateful for the special bond they share.

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