claming down and cuddles - dv3

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tw impied ed

kokchi hadent eaten in at least two days. he felt faint and dizzy but he had to push it away and stay strong. he was in the middle of a class trial after all. 

kokichis pov:

i feel really dizzy and im not consentrating on what every one is saying or contributing for that matter. 

im not just struggling with being dizzy but im also strugging with not slipping. i despretly want no need to slip. but i cant. it's finaly the end of the trial and now we have to vote. since i havent been paying atention to anything anyone has been saying i just vote for the person the majoority of everyone elce votes for. Korekiyo. 

after watching korekiyo's exicution i feel sick and really small. 

as soon as i can i walk back to my dorm. i know im not acting like myself and the others have probably noticed but i dont care right now. itll be way worse if i end up regressing in front of them. while im caught up in my thoughts i suddenly get really and fall on the ground. i cant even stand up right now. i just crurl up into a ball and start to cry as i stick my thumb into my mouth.

my cries soon turn into sobs. 

my head hurts and i want my stuffy and paci.

shuichi's pov:

kokichi was acting weird druing the trial. and he ran off after the trial as well. i deside to follow him. slowly so he doesnt notice me. 

i im just about to round a corner when i here sobbing. thinking that it must be himiko. shes been really upset since tenko and angie died. 

but as i round the corner im shocked.

"kokichi?" i ask slightly panicked. now this really isnt like him

he looks up from his knees and panic washes over his face as moor tears flood down his face. as soon as he sees me. to put it shortly he looks terrified. 

he attempts to get up and run away. but as soon as he gets up and takes his first step. hes headed straight back to the floor. face first. i quickly run forword and catch him and gide him to the floor sitting his small fragile body in my lap.

"wets go o me" (let go of me) he says trying to get up i wrap my arms around him tightly. his choice of words and the way he's speaking is childish than it normally is. but im not goning to question it since there are a lot more important things for me to worry and think about right now.

"no no no its ok stay here" i say making my voice softer and quieter than normal "i just need to see if your ok" 

"no! wets me go now!" he screams. again with the childish speech. 

"koko buddy lets not scream" i dont know why i called him 'koko'. it just sort of felt right. "can you tell me why you were crying?" i ask not expecting him to answer. but to my suprise he does.

"i-i feein small a-and den i's w-was watching da exicquten ans i feels yuky. ans den i was goin back to dorm ans den i's got dizzy ans felled o-over"

"oh thats not good bud do you know when you ate last?" i question. wondering if thats the reason he's dizzy.

he stops to think "i no know"

so thats the reason he's dizzy he hasn't eaten. "koko come on lets get you something to eat" i stand up and grab his hand. pulling him up with me. 

"nu!" he protests trying to stay on the ground. but hes so light that i can eazly pick him up so thats what i do. 

"come on ill let you have a panta if you have something to eat" i say trying to bribe him. 

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