cooking together-demon slayer

277 4 7

little: rengoku

cg: uzui

rengoku really needed to regress but he didn't want to do it alone. he sat by the door waiting for his boyfriend to get home from his mission.

uzui got home late from his mission. he open the door to the house and finds his boyfriend asleep on the floor clutching his stuffy. uzui smiled picking up his boyfriend. "dada" rengoku said cuddleing his stuffy and grabing uzui's shirt. rengoku was allways very clingy when he was little.

"how old are you baby?" uzui asked. rengoku held up two fingers. uzui smiled "do you want something to eat sunshine?"

"sweet potato!" rengoku squiled happly. clapping his hands and wrigiling around in uzuis arms.

"sounds flashy" 

uzui caryed rengoku to the kitchen and set him down on the kitchen bench. and got out a bowl, spoon and some playdough for rengoku to play with. so he wasnt messing around with knives and stuff.  

after they tengen had finished making the food and rengoku had made quite a mess with the playdough. rengoku helped his caregiver clean up his mess eagerly awaiting his food. 

once the playdouh mess was cleaned up uzui picked up rengoku and the plate of sweet potato and carried them to the living room. he sat down on the couch placing his little down next to him facing him. "can you eat it yourself or do you want help?" uzui asked

"help pweese" the little replied looking up at his caregiver. 

"ok little man". uzui cut up the sweet potato into small bite sised nuggets. and started feeding them to his little.

after rengoku finished his food uzui put on cartoons for him to watch while he washed the dishes and made a bottle of angle milk for rengoku. 

when he returned to the living room he found that rengoku had fallen asleep. he gently took him into his lap cradling him. then he woke him up. rengoku babbled a little before he saw that uzui was holding a bottle. he reached out for it. so uzui placed the nub into rengokus mouth. 

before the little was able to finish his bottle he was fast asleep. so uzui carried him to their bedroom placing him down on the bed before getting into bed next to him and soon falling asleep.

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