scared - kny

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little: zenitzu

cg: tanjiro

Zenitsu Agatsuma huddled under his blankets, the thunder outside growling like an angry demon. Lightning flashed, illuminating his small room in bursts of white light. Each boom sent tremors through his body, his heart pounding against his ribs like a caged bird.

"Th-thunder... T-tanjiro...?" Zenitsu whimpered, his voice barely above a whisper. He clutched his stuffed animal tightly to his chest, tears welling up in his wide, frightened eyes.

The nightmares had come again, relentless and unforgiving. In his dreams, demons chased him through dark forests, their eyes glowing like hot coals. He could feel their breath on his neck, their claws reaching for him, and then the thunder would crash, echoing the screams of his nightmares.

But this time, it was different. This time, the fear gripped him tighter, pulling him down into a dark abyss of terror.

"Zenitsu? Are you alright?" Tanjiro's voice broke through the chaos, gentle and soothing like a warm breeze on a summer day.

Zenitsu's heart skipped a beat, relief flooding through him like a healing balm. He sniffled, wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks. "T-tanjiro... I-I'm scared..."

Tanjiro didn't hesitate. He crossed the room in swift strides, his expression soft with concern. Gently, he sat down beside Zenitsu, wrapping his arms around the trembling boy.

"It's okay, Zenitsu. I'm here," Tanjiro murmured, his voice a soothing melody in the darkness.

Zenitsu buried his face against Tanjiro's chest, clinging to him like a lifeline. His body shook with silent sobs, the fear still lingering in the depths of his mind.

Tanjiro held him close, his touch warm and reassuring. He whispered words of comfort, his voice a gentle lullaby that chased away the shadows.

Slowly, Zenitsu's breathing steadied, his racing heart finding solace in Tanjiro's embrace. The storm raged on outside, but inside Zenitsu's heart, there was only peace.

As the night faded into dawn, Zenitsu drifted into a peaceful slumber, his dreams free from the clutches of fear.

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