dada isnt home - total drama island

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little: duncan little age 0-2

cg: trent

this takers place after total drama


duncan was tierd. he really really wanted and well he needed to rgress but trent wasnt home yet so he felt he couldent. trent was his boyfriend and caregiver. duncan only ever let himself regressed when trent was around to look after him since he usaly regressed quite young. he usaly sliped into baby space. like 0-1. 

duncans pov:

i feel little i wanna regress but dada still isnt home and i dont wanna regress alone. i hate being alone while im little. dada says he doesnt want me to be little alone as well. he days that he is worried that i might get hurt.

i dont think dada will be for a while now. but i feel really little. all the more reason to try and hold it off untill he gets home though.

"wan dada" i mumble. as tears start rolling down my face as i crall over to mine and trents bed i clumsally clim up on to it. and grab mr snuggles my stuffy cat and hug him tight to my chest. as well as grabbing my paci from the bedside table. 

i put my paci in my mouth and burry myself under the blankets and end up falling asleep. 

trents: pov

i got heled up in trafic and just got home. i fumble with my keys while unlocking the door. 

"babe ime home" i call out as i enter the house. dunacn is usaly quick to hug me when i get home or at least call out to me. but this time i dont get a risponce.

"hunny?" i call out again still getting no answer. ok im getting a little worried now.

"Duncan" i run to the living room check around. hes not there.

and i run upstairs and check his play room. not there.

then i run into our bedroom. there is a lump of blankets.

"hunny" i walk up to the bed and start to remove the blankets. there is duncan. i gently rub his back to wake him up. 

he makes a small noise and rolls over. as soon as he sees me his face lights up and he scrambles in to my lap. "hey buddy its ok" 


"im sorry it took me so long to get home"

"it ok"

"how about we get you changed into something comfy and then we can cuddle"


i pick him up and carry him over to the changing table. i put him down and grab him a onsie. i change him into a diaper and onesie. then pick him up and carry him back over to our bed. i lay down placing him on top of me. he snuggles into me imedietly. 

"i wuves you dada" he says

"i love you too baby" 

soon we both fall asleep.

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