little keith voltron

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little: keith

cg: lance and pidge sort of. 


tw probobly dont read this if your triggerd by crying and that sort of stuff. but other than that this is just cuteness

autistic keith au takes place just after they find out keith is part galra. 

keith was a little. none of the other palitins knew. a part from shiro although pidge has guessed that keith is little but hasnt asked him about it yet. he had no idea how he had hidden it for this long. with the hole forming voltron mind shearing thingy. (sorry idk how to explain that but you know what im trying to say i hope). he never wanted any of them to find out. 

keith pov

ive had a really shitty week. sice finding out i was part galra no one looks at me the same. they look at me with desgust and resentment. i hate it so much. as if i didnt need a reminder that im worthless and disusting. as if i didnt do that to myself allredy. and i havent been able to regress. and i really need to. 

we're all sitting at the table for dinner together. i really hate this but shiro says i have to eat with everyone or at least sit at the table. it's usally ok but today everyone's mad. once they start yelling is when i start to crack. i really cant handle loud noise aspeshaly yelling. 

i feel myself starting to regress and my body starting to shut down. i know im going to cry and i can allredy feel small tears escaping my eyes. but im not going to let them see that. i get up from the table and run back to my room. 

i bearly reach my room before i start balling. everything seems so loud. i put my hands over my ears. but it doesnt really do anything to help me. i want to get my little things out so i can at least try and calm down. but i cant move. 

lance's pov:

keith runs out of the room passing me on the way. he's covering his face but he looks like he's crying.

everyone stops yelling at each other and frezes for a second seeing keith. then start fighting again. to be honest i dont know what they where aguing about. 

i quietly get up and slip out of the room after him. i know i'm suposed to hate keith. but i just cant. i've liked him since we where at the garrison. 

i hear the door to his room shut. i walk up to his room to knock on the door. when i hear him sobbing and his breathing is shaky. i knock on the door. no answer. so i open the door to find him on the floor. crying, shanking and covering his ears. 

i think i might know whats happening. keith's really sensetive to noise. and it causes him to just shutdown and cry. i remember when we where exporing a plenet and there where like these waves of loud siren like things. and thats when we saw it happen for the first time. keith sort of froze for a second then just crumpled and curled up and started crying. shiro of corse knowing about keith being autistic and having delt with stuff like that before. knew what to do. he took keith back to his lion and got his headphones. since then coran has been trying to make somthing for our helmets that could be noise canseling. 

i walk into keith's room and close the door behind me. i glance around his room and spot his headphones. i grab them and put them on him. he seems to calm down a bit. but he's still crying. "can i hug you?" i ask. not knowing what elce to do. he nods. so i gently shuffle closer to him and hug him. as soon as i wrap my arms around him i feel him grab on to my shirt and berry his face into my chest. i rub his back and he slowly starts to calm down. 

once hes calmed down enough i pull away. "whats wrong?" i ask him

"wittle space" (little space). he replys quietly. im shocked. i know what little space or age regression is but ive never seen anyone do it and i aspeshaly didn't expect keith to be an age regresser. 

"how old are you" i ask he has hods up one finger. hes regressed a lot then "do you have stuff?" i ask. he points to a set of draws in the corner of his room. i get up and walk over to it. the draws are labled. top one 'stuffys' second one 'onesies' third one 'comfy clothes' forth one 'toys'  and the last one 'other'. 

i open the top draw it has a small colection of stuffys. a cat one, a unicorn, a teddy bear head attached to a blanket. and the last one made my heart melt a bit. when we first got here and found out about voltron. i knitted everyone a plushy of their lions. i thought that everyone didnt keep then. and thew them away. but keith kept his. him of all of them is the one i thought would have thrown it away. 

"which one do you want?" i ask. 

"wion pweas" (lion please) he says. making my heart melt even more. does he acually like the lion?

i hand it over to him and he takes it from me and cuddles it. he looks so cute. "do you want to chang into someting more comftable?" he nods. i open the onesie draw and pull one out. its red with white and yellow details. it looks like his jacket. i put the onesie on the floor next to me. then open the last draw. it has bottles, pacifiers, beaded pacifier clips and sippy cups. i grab out a paci and clip that match his onesie. "can you change your self or do you want me to help you?"

"hwepl pweas" (help please)

i walk over to his bed and place down the suff next to him. i help him take off his jacket then his shirt. i feel myself blushing as im helping him. once he's in his onesie i atatch the pacifier clip to his onesie and paci then put the paci in his mouth. he giggles and smiles. "do you want a bottle?" he nods as he picks up his lion.

i grab a bottle out of the draw and head out of his room. i bump into pidge on the way to the kitchen. "is that for keith" she asks 

"yeah but how did you know?"

"i just guessed do you want me to get the bottle ready for him?"

"uh yeah sure" i say 

"ill bring it top keith room when its ready" she takes the bottle from me and starts of the the kitchen. 

"thanks" i say turning around and walking back to keiths room. 

he looks a little shocked that im back alredy. "pidge is getting your bottle" i say. he looks slightly terefied. then he dives under his blanket. "hey whats wrong buddy" i ask sitting down on the bed next to him. "pidge wont tell anyone about you being little if thats what your worried about"

"w-wearly?" (realy) 

"yeah im sure but we can her when she brings your bottle if you want"

"mhm" he says pulling himself out of his blanket. 

just then pidge knocks on the door. i open it and she hands me the bottle. "thanks" i say

"no problem" she says

"you wont tell anyone right?" i ask

"of corse i wont" 

"alright thanks" 

"i see you later" she says walking away. i close the door, sit down next to keith on the bed and pick him up and settle him in my lap. hes serpisingly light for his size. i feed him the bottle. once hes done he yawns and snuggles closer to me. 

"aww is someone tierd?" 


i place the empty bottle on his bedside table and tuck him into bed. as im walking to the door i feel somthing grab my hand. i turn around its keith. "stway pweas" (stay please) 

i smile and get into bed with him. he sunggles into my chest and soon we both fall asleep.

ahhhhhhh this took so fricking long to wright. thank you so much for reading. 

i should have put this in the frist part but i didnt so im putting it here. this is just some info about me so if you dont care and or dont want to read this just skip i dont blame you i dont offen read stuff like this either. 

so i am an age regregsser with an age range or 1-4. and i have been for three years now. i am still a minor in my older head set. 

if you have any requests please comment on the most reasent requests page. any way i think thats it tanks for reading :)

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