playdate -mlp

260 2 5

requested by @ocmari123 

thank you for the reuest

little: rainbow dash

cg: apple jack

littles: pinky pie, fluttershy

cg: Rarity

little: sunset shimmer

cg: wilight sparkle


apple jacks pov

"pinky!" rainbow squiles 

"dashy!" pinky squiels in return running up to her. they hug squiling and giggling happly.

"how are you girls?" i ask walikng over to twilight who is holding sunsets hand and rarity who is carrying fluttershy. 

"were alright" rarity says "except that pinky kept flutters from having a proper nap"

"m' sowy mama" pinky says gitily walking over to rarity. 

"i know hunny its alright you were just excited" 

"how about you two" i ask turning to face twilight and sunset.

"were good arnt we" she says looking to sunset. who smiles and nods her half orange half purple paci bobbing up and down in her mouth. 

"tan we go pway!" rainbow asks ovously board with listening to our convosation.

"ok" i say "bring your toys down to the living room" 

"otay!" rainbow says as she and pinly take off up stairs. 

twilights pov:

after a while pinky and rainbow have moved from game to game in the living room crating a huge mess but no one really cares since there having fun. meanwhile sunset is whatching sophia the first while fluttershy is taking a nap. rarity and i are watching over them while aj is making them lunch. 

aj comes into the room holding a tray with three plates of dino nuggets and ants on a log. and three sippy cups one patel pink, blue and yellow one with apple juice for pinky and one light blue with a rainbow lid with orange juice for ranbow. and one orange and yellow one with cocolate milk for sunset. 

pinky looks up from hers and rainbows game when she hears aj come into the room "dino nuggies!" she jumps up excitedly. catching sunsets and rainbows attention.

pinky and rainbow go sit next to sunset on the couch next to sunset and aj hands them each their sippy cup and plate of food. then she returns to the kitchen to put the tray away then comes back and sits with us. 

"there is a bottle of oat mink in the fridge ready for flutter shy when she wakes up" (does any one elce think flutter shy would be veataian or veagn because i think that she is)

"oh thank you" rarity says just as we hear flutter shy start crying from up stairs. "i guess thats my que to go get her that bottle" rarity walks up stairs and brings flutter shy down stairs and takes her into the kitchen. i here the micowave start and finish. then rarity brings flutter shy into the living room sits down on the couch and feeds her the bottle.

                                               ----- time skip to after they had dinner-----

after we all finish dinner we head up stairs to get the littles ready for bed and settled. as aj is giving rainbow a bath i change sunset and entertain pinky while rarity is changnging fluttershy. once all the littles are ready for bed in their matching onesies. we settle them and read them a book and soon they are asleep.

"they are just adorable" rarity

"yeah they are" i agree


end i hope you liked it and thank you again ocmari123 for the request

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