game night - vld

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The Castle of Lions was buzzing with excitement. It was a rare night off for the Voltron team, and they had decided to have a game night. Monopoly was the game of choice, and the competition was fierce.

Keith sat beside Lance, who was animatedly arguing with Pidge over the rules. Shiro, Hunk, and Allura were deep into their own strategies, their voices rising in excitement and frustration. Keith felt a familiar twinge of discomfort at the noise level, but he tried to focus on the game.

As the night wore on, the noise and chaos increased. Pieces were moved, deals were made, and laughter echoed through the room. Keith's hands began to fidget, his breathing quickening. The sensory overload was becoming too much. The colors of the board blurred, the voices merged into a cacophony, and the pressure in his chest grew.

"Lance," Keith whispered, tugging at his boyfriend's sleeve, but his voice was lost in the din.

Lance was too engrossed in the game to notice Keith's growing distress. Keith's world started to spiral. His vision narrowed, his head pounded, and a familiar panic set in. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. Tears welled up in his eyes as he slipped into a meltdown, the regression pulling him down like a tide.

Finally, Lance noticed Keith's distress. His heart sank as he saw the tears streaming down Keith's face, his hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Keith," Lance said softly, but urgently. "Guys, we need to take a break."

The room fell silent as everyone turned to see what was happening. Lance didn't wait for their reactions. He wrapped an arm around Keith and led him out of the room, whispering soothing words.

"It's okay, Keith. I'm here. Let's go somewhere quiet, okay?"

Keith nodded, clinging to Lance as they walked down the hallway to their room. Lance could feel Keith trembling, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. Once inside, Lance closed the door, shutting out the noise and chaos of the game night.

"Let's get you comfortable, okay?" Lance said, guiding Keith to the bed.

Keith nodded, tears still streaming down his face. Lance quickly grabbed Keith's favorite onesie and diaper. With practiced ease, he helped Keith change, the familiar routine calming him a little.

"There you go, buddy," Lance murmured, fastening the snaps on Keith's onesie. "All done."

Keith's breaths were still shaky, but the meltdown was easing. Lance handed him his beloved hippo stuffy and gently placed a pacifier in his mouth. Keith's grip on the stuffed animal tightened, and he sucked on the pacifier, the rhythmic motion helping to soothe him.

"How about a story?" Lance suggested, sitting beside Keith on the bed.

Keith nodded again, his eyes still red from crying but beginning to look more at peace. Lance picked up one of Keith's favorite storybooks and began to read in a soft, calming voice.

As Lance read, he kept a comforting hand on Keith's back, rubbing slow circles. Gradually, Keith's breathing evened out, and his eyes grew heavy. The familiar, comforting presence of Lance and the soft cadence of his voice were like a balm to Keith's frazzled nerves.

By the time Lance finished the story, Keith was fast asleep, his pacifier still in his mouth and his hippo stuffy clutched tightly in his arms. Lance smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair from Keith's forehead.

"Goodnight, Keith," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's temple. "I'll always be here for you."

Lance stayed by Keith's side, watching over him as he slept, ready to provide comfort and care whenever Keith needed it. In this safe space, Keith knew he was loved and protected, no matter what.

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