little bore

128 1 5

requested by: @Dreamnotfoundf0r3ver

little: inoske

caregiver: tanjiro

In the tisho era demons lurked in the shadows and demon slayer fought with unwavering resolve, there existed a unique duo: Tanjiro Kamado and Inosuke Hashibira. Bound not just by duty but also by love, they ventured forth on a mission unlike any other.

As they trekked through the dense forests, the foliage rustling with an eerie silence, Inosuke felt a familiar sensation creeping over him. It wasn't the thrill of battle or the anticipation of confronting demons but rather a regression to a younger age. Suddenly, he found himself regressing to a state of vulnerability, his mind embracing the innocence of childhood.

Tanjiro, ever observant and caring, noticed the subtle change in his beloved Inosuke's demeanor. With a tender smile, he adjusted their pace, allowing Inosuke to take breaks when needed and offering words of reassurance.

"Inosuke, are you feeling okay?" Tanjiro asked softly, his voice a soothing balm against the uncertainty swirling within Inosuke's mind.

Inosuke huffed, crossing his arms defiantly atempting to cover up his fuzzy mindset. "I'm fine, just a little tired, that's all!" he grumbled, though his eyes betrayed the vulnerability he tried to hide.

Tanjiro's smile widened, understanding shining in his gentle gaze. "It's okay to feel tired sometimes, Inosuke. We'll take it slow, alright? I'm here for you."

As they continued their journey, Tanjiro made sure to keep a close eye on Inosuke, offering him his hand whenever the terrain grew rough and encouraging him with words of praise when he pushed through his fatigue.

Inosuke, despite his stubborn nature, found solace in Tanjiro's presence, his trust in his partner unwavering even in his most vulnerable moments. With Tanjiro by his side, he felt safe to embrace his regression, to allow himself to be cared for without fear of judgment or ridicule.

And amidst the darkness of their mission, amidst the looming threat of demons lurking in the shadows, they discovered a bond that transcended words—a bond forged in the fires of battle, bound by love, and guided by the unwavering light of their shared devotion.

Together, they faced the challenges that lay ahead, drawing strength from each other and from the unbreakable bond that bound their hearts together—a bond that would endure even the darkest of nights and the fiercest of battles.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Tanjiro led the way with a steady determination, his senses keenly attuned to any sign of danger. Inosuke, despite his regression, remained vigilant, his instincts sharp and his senses heightened by the presence of demons lurking nearby.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down Inosuke's spine. He instinctively reached for his blades, his hands trembling slightly with fear. But before he could react, Tanjiro was at his side, his reassuring touch grounding him in reality.

"It's alright, Inosuke. We'll face this together," Tanjiro murmured, his voice a calming presence amidst the chaos of battle.

With a nod of determination, Inosuke squared his shoulders, his resolve strengthening with each passing moment. Together, they charged forward, their blades flashing in the dim light as they confronted the demon lurking in the shadows.

The battle was fierce and unforgiving, the demon unleashing a torrent of attacks with savage ferocity. But Tanjiro and Inosuke fought with unwavering determination, their movements fluid and synchronized as they danced through the chaos with grace and precision.

Inosuke, despite his regression, tapped into the primal instincts that lay dormant within him, his senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. With each strike of his blade, he felt a surge of exhilaration, his fear melting away in the heat of battle.

Tanjiro, ever the skilled swordsman, moved with a fluid grace that belied his strength, his movements guided by a deep sense of purpose and resolve. With each blow he landed, he drew closer to victory, his determination unwavering even in the face of overwhelming odds.

And as the final blow was struck, as the demon crumbled to dust beneath their feet, Tanjiro and Inosuke stood victorious, their bond stronger than ever before. In the aftermath of battle, as they caught their breath amidst the wreckage, they shared a knowing glance—a silent acknowledgment of the trials they had overcome together, and the unbreakable bond that would carry them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

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