Shattered Reflections - hazbin hotel

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hi so yeah my friend wrote this so yeah

little: Lucifer 

cg: Alastor

Lucifer paced through the grand halls of Hell, his mind a whirlwind of fragmented memories and haunting regrets. The ornate walls, once a testament to his grandeur, now seemed to mock him with their hollow opulence. It had been centuries since Lilith had left, but tonight, the echoes of their time together felt more tangible than ever.

His steps faltered as he reached the grand staircase. Images of Lilith, her laughter, and their shared moments flashed before his eyes. He grasped the banister for support, but the weight of his memories was too overwhelming. With a sudden cry, Lucifer stumbled and fell to the ground, his body curling in on itself as he was consumed by grief.

Alastor, the Radio Demon, was wandering the corridors in search of amusement. The eerie silence of the palace had drawn him in, a stark contrast to the usual chaos of Hell. As he turned a corner, he was greeted by the sight of Lucifer, the once-mighty ruler, now crumpled on the floor.

For a moment, Alastor's crimson eyes widened in surprise. He had never seen Lucifer in such a vulnerable state. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously, his usual grin softened by an unusual sense of concern.

"Lucifer?" Alastor called out gently, kneeling beside the fallen figure. "What's happened to you, old friend?"

Lucifer looked up, his eyes glazed with tears. "Alastor... it's... it's Lilith. I can't escape her memory."

Alastor frowned, a rare display of genuine emotion. He had always known about Lilith, the queen who had left a void in Lucifer's heart. He placed a hand on Lucifer's shoulder, his touch surprisingly gentle.

"Come now, let's get you off this cold floor," Alastor said softly. With some effort, he helped Lucifer to his feet and guided him to a nearby chamber. The room was dimly lit, the flickering flames casting long shadows on the walls.

They settled onto a plush sofa, and Alastor handed Lucifer a glass of dark, smoky liquid. "Drink this. It might help calm your nerves."

Lucifer took the glass, his hands trembling. He sipped the drink slowly, feeling the warmth spread through him. "Thank you, Alastor."

Alastor nodded, his expression unreadable. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lucifer hesitated, the words caught in his throat. But the weight of his sorrow was too great to bear alone. "She was everything to me, Alastor. My queen, my confidante. Her absence... it feels like a wound that will never heal."

Alastor listened, his usual flamboyance replaced by a rare, solemn demeanor. He understood pain, understood loss. Despite his twisted nature, there was a part of him that could empathize with Lucifer's torment.

"We all carry our burdens, Lucifer," Alastor said quietly. "But you don't have to carry yours alone. Lean on those who care for you, even if you think you don't need it."

Lucifer looked at Alastor, a flicker of gratitude in his eyes. "I appreciate your kindness, Alastor. It means more than you know."

Alastor offered a small, genuine smile. "We demons must stick together, after all. Now, rest. I'll keep watch."

Lucifer nodded, his body finally relaxing. As he closed his eyes, he felt a sense of peace he hadn't experienced in years. With Alastor by his side, he knew he could face the shadows of his past and find a way to heal.

And in that quiet moment, amidst the darkness of Hell, a fragile bond of understanding and compassion was formed, giving Lucifer the strength to face another day.


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