small ingerys-dv3

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kokichi was running around the schools garden his lamb stuffy tucked under one arm and a toy fire truck in the other hand. he was dressed in pastell purple overalls, one dark purple knee high socck, and one black and white checkerd matching knee high sock and a black and white checked shirt. a purple panta themed paci bobing in his mouth. 

"kokichi slow down!" his caregiver rantaro amami called after him. but uforunetly he said that just a second to late kokichi tripped over. falling onto his hands and knees. droping his fire truck and stuffy. 

"DADDY!" the little wailed beging to sob his paci falling out of his mouth. 

"hey hey bud its ok your ok" rantaro said hurredly rushing over to his little. he knelt down next to him. he pulled kokichi into his lap and gently wiped his tears and running nose. kokichi shoved his face into the crook of his caregivers neck. amami wanting to check that kokichi wasnt cut or bleeding asked his little "baby can i see your hands?" 

ouma leaned back from his caregiver and showed him his palms. they were indeed grased and slightly bleeding. rantaro then quickly checked kokichi's knees which were also grased and bleeding a little bit. 

"lets go get you cleaned up and then you can have some panta" kokichi seemed to emedietly perked up at hearing that he would get some panta. rantaro grabbed kokichi's fire truck and his stuffie and handed them to him. which kokichi quickly grabed them and heled them tightly 

"ok up we go" rantaro said picking up kokichi and placed him on his hip. before going down any corridor that they had to walk down to reach their dorms her checked that there was no one there that could see them. since none of the others knew about kokichi being a little and also that they were together. 

they reached kokichi's dorm without anyone spotting them. rantaro rummaged around in his pocket while still holding kokichi until he found the keys to kokichi's dorm. they enterd the little learders dorm. he set kokichi down on his bed. "ok ill grab the first aid kit"

"otay" kokichi replied snuggleing up with his stuffie. rantaro grabed the first aid kit from his bathroom and waked back to kokichi. he quickly cleaned up kokichis cuts and scrapes. 

"ok you wanna pick which bandaids you want?" rantaro asked holding up three difrent boxes of bandaids. one was bluey theamed bandaids, another was bunny theamed bandaids and the last was difrent purple desines.

kokichi of corse chose the purple ones. rantaro placed the bandaids on kokichs cuts and grases. "ok hun what do you wanna do now" 

"cuddles wif daddy"

"ok baby" the two snuggled in bed quickly falling asleep.

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