the mission - kny

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The moon hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters. The night was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and distant hoots of owls. Giyuu Tomioka sat by the open window of his room, staring blankly into the night. His mind was a tempest of thoughts, each one darker and more tumultuous than the last.

He had been assigned a new mission earlier that day, one that required him to venture deep into a demon-infested forest alone. Normally, such missions didn't faze him, but this time, an inexplicable sense of dread had taken root in his heart. He couldn't pinpoint the source of his anxiety, and it gnawed at him relentlessly.

Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyuu's partner both in and out of battle, had noticed the change in his demeanor. The usually stoic and composed Water Hashira seemed more withdrawn, his eyes shadowed with an unspoken worry. Sanemi decided it was time to intervene.

"Hey, Giyuu," Sanemi called softly, stepping into the room. His presence was a beacon of stability and strength, something Giyuu had come to rely on. "You okay? You've been staring out that window for hours."

Giyuu turned to face Sanemi, his expression softening at the sight of his partner. "m' fine," he replied, though his voice lacked conviction.

Sanemi wasn't convinced. He walked over and sat beside Giyuu, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Talk to me. What's bothering you?"

Giyuu sighed, leaning into Sanemi's touch. "I don't know. This mission... it just feels different. I can't shake this feeling of dread."

Sanemi frowned. It wasn't like Giyuu to be so affected by a mission. "It's okay to be nervous, Giyuu. We've faced worse together. Whatever it is, we'll handle it."

Giyuu nodded, but the unease remained. As the night wore on, Sanemi could sense Giyuu's tension growing. He decided to stay with him, offering silent support. Eventually, Giyuu's exhaustion took over, and he fell into a restless sleep.

Sanemi awoke to the sound of soft whimpers. He opened his eyes to find Giyuu trembling beside him, his eyes squeezed shut. "Giyuu, wake up," Sanemi said gently, shaking his shoulder.

Giyuu's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, they were filled with a childlike fear. He looked around, disoriented, before his gaze settled on Sanemi. "S-s-sanemi..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Sanemi's heart ached at the sight. He had seen Giyuu regress before, usually under extreme stress, but never this young. It seemed Giyuu had regressed to the mental state of a one-year-old, seeking comfort and safety.

"It's okay, Giyuu. I'm here," Sanemi said softly, pulling Giyuu into his arms. Giyuu clung to him desperately, burying his face in Sanemi's chest. Sanemi held him close, rocking him gently. "Shh, I've got you."

Giyuu's breathing slowly steadied, but he remained clingy, his tiny hands gripping Sanemi's shirt tightly. Sanemi hummed a soothing melody, one he remembered from his own childhood. It seemed to calm Giyuu, who nestled closer, seeking warmth and reassurance.

Hours passed, and Sanemi stayed by Giyuu's side, never letting go. He understood that Giyuu needed him now more than ever. When Giyuu finally drifted into a more peaceful sleep, Sanemi sighed in relief. He pressed a gentle kiss to Giyuu's forehead, vowing to protect him, no matter what.

The next morning, Giyuu awoke, still nestled in Sanemi's embrace. His regression had passed, but the comfort he felt in Sanemi's arms lingered. "Thank you," he whispered, looking up at Sanemi with gratitude.

Sanemi smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Giyuu's face. "Always, Giyuu. I'll always be here for you."

Giyuu nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. With Sanemi by his side, he knew he could face any mission, any fear. Together, they were unstoppable.

As the sun rose, casting its golden light over the horizon, Giyuu felt a renewed sense of determination. The shadows of the past no longer held power over him. With Sanemi, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

And with that, the two Hashira prepared to face the day, side by side, their bond stronger than ever.

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