sick little - harry potter

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little: harry 

caregivers: draco and ron

if you dont like the ship dont read it


"harry" ron asked "what do you want for breckfast?"

"nutin i no hungy" harry replied. harry had woken up in little space which ushaly wouldnt be a problem but he was being bratty. or so it seemed to his caregivers.

"come on baby boy" harrys other caregiver draco said "you have to eat something" 

"i no want anfing daddy" harry replied. 

"whys that" draco asked gently 

"i's no hungy" harry lied. the real reason he didnt want to eat anything was that he felt. but he want going to tell his boyfriends that. he didnt want to be a bother. 

"how about you just eat a little bit of fruit" draco seguessted. 


"here you go bud" ron said placeing a bowl of apple slices, strawberrys and blueberrys on the table in front of harry. 

"what do you say?" draco nudged harry

"fhnakys dada"

"no problem little one" ron said booping harrys nose. 

"daddy help?" harry asked


after about ten muniets harry had eaten most of the fruit. harry was feeling a bit better "wach toons? pees" harry said 

"okay lets do that" ron said walking back over to the table and picking harry up. taking him to the living room and seting him down on the couch. 

"snowy! snowy!" harry said. snowy was his owl stuffy

"ill go grab her" draco said running out of the room as ron turned on the tv and put on the kids channel. draco came back into the living room and gave harry his stuffy and sliped his paci into his mouth. 

"ill go cook lunch" ron said after a few hours 

"ill help do you mind harry" 

"no i be good" 

once both draco and ron had left harry started to feel sick again. like really sick. he tried to distract himself by whatching tv but that didnt work for long.

"dada, daddy?" harry sniffled quietly looking at the ground and tugging on rons sleeve.

"yeah what is it bud" ron said as he and draco turned around.

"i frowed up" harry said looking up at his two caregivers. 

"oh buddy" draco said knealing down in front of harry and noticing the vomit of his shirt and face "lets get you cleaned up" 

draco picked up harry and carryed him to the bathroom with ron following behind him. "ill run you a bath" ron said. running the bath and getting out harrys bath toys. as draco helped harry get undressed. he placed harry in the bath and started washing his face and hair while ron entertained harry. by lightly splashing the water and moving around his bath toys. once they had cleaned harry up the got him dressed in a green dino onesie.

"come on lets get you to bed" draco said picking harry up. pretty much as soon as he was picked up harry fell asleep. they took harry to their room and settled him in bed. ron placed a towel and bucket next to the bed just in case. after doing that he grabed harrys stuffy and paci before getting into bed with his two boyfriends. 

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