bad shopping trip-sk8

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little: reki

cg: langa

renga. reki has adhd in this au. they are 17 and langa can drive

tw throwing up and sickness. (sorry i havent written a sk8 oneshot yet when reki isnt sick but i am working on one) tw will bw before the parts

langa's pov:

reki and i are out shopping today. we have to get a few things for school and reki broke his last fidget the other day so he wants to buy a new one so he can consentrait better at school. and we both want to look at the tech decks. 

we find the fidgets and reki picks a carrot stressball and a blue, green and white tangle. just as we are walking toword the techdecks i feel a tug on  my sleve. i turn around to see reki. tears welling up in his eyes. "hey whats wrong?" i ask. a few tears start to leak from his eyes. "are you feeling little?" i ask trying to figure out whats up. he nods.

"i dont have any of your paci's so ill buy you a new one ok" i say. i hope that will help him. he seems really upset and i know something elce is wrong. but i dont know whats wrong. all i know at the moment is hes little so that what im going to go off until i find out what elce is wrong. i take his hand and lead him over to the baby section. "you can pick a new set ok" i say. reki picks out a set of two one blue and red and the other white with a rainbow on it. i take him over to the self check out. i buy the stuff and find somewhere for us to sit. i open the pacis and slide one into rekis mouth. 

we stopped caring about reki being little in public a while ago. most people dont care about it. and the people who do have a problem with us anyway for being gay. and well the most inportant thing is that reki is happy. 

tw for throwing up start

reki is starting to look pale. he hickups and that tells me exactly whats wrong. i act as quickly as posible. i pick up our shopping bags and wrap one of my arms around reki and place it on his waist. i take him to the bathroom and luckly there is one of those big stalls open. 

i close and lock the door behined us.  i pull his paci out of his mouth and lean him over the toilet. just in time, he throws up and starts crying. i rub his back and pull his hair back out of his face. 

during the next ten minutets reki throws up a few more times until hes thrown up everything hes eaten today until hes just throwing up  stomach acid. i empty the plasic bag of stuff we just bought into my backpack and give him the bag just in case.

i help him out of the stall and over to the sink. i wash both of our hands. and lead him out to the car. i buckle him into the back seat then drive us home. once we get back to my house. i take him up to my room, change him into one of my shirts and some shorts. we settle down in my bed and i put on some cartoons. 

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