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so i haven't watched the owl house but my friend has and they wanted to write this so yeah they might write more oneshots in the future for this book since they dont have an account. 

also idk if this is cannonicly accurat or not

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Hunter had always been tough. As the Golden Guard, he faced danger head-on, never showing fear or weakness. But lately, something had changed. Ever since he started spending more time with Luz and her friends, he'd discovered a side of himself he'd kept buried for years—a side that craved comfort, safety, and the simplicity of childhood.

It was a quiet afternoon at the Owl House, the warm sunlight filtering through the windows as Luz, Eda, and King lounged in the living room. Hunter had been staying with them for a while now, finding solace in their unorthodox family.

Luz glanced over at Hunter, who was sitting on the floor, fiddling with a small wooden toy she had carved for him. She had noticed his subtle shifts in behavior, the way he seemed to relax and let his guard down around them. She had seen the way he looked at the toys and the cozy blankets with a longing he tried to hide. Luz had done some research and had come across the concept of age regression. It made perfect sense, and she wanted to help him embrace it.

"Hey, Hunter," Luz said softly, sliding off the couch to sit beside him. "How are you doing?"

Hunter looked up, his eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. "I'm okay," he replied, his voice quieter than usual.

Luz smiled gently. "You know, it's okay if you want to relax and just be yourself here. You don't always have to be the Golden Guard."

Hunter's shoulders relaxed slightly, and he nodded. "I... I guess I just don't know how to... not be on guard all the time."

Luz reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright. You can take your time. If you ever want to just... be a kid for a while, that's totally fine. We're here for you."

Hunter's eyes softened, a hint of vulnerability shining through. "You mean it?"

"Absolutely," Luz said with a warm smile. "In fact, why don't we have some fun today? I found this cool blanket fort tutorial online. Want to help me build it?"

A small, genuine smile tugged at Hunter's lips. "Yeah, I'd like that."

Together, they gathered blankets, pillows, and chairs, setting up a cozy fort in the living room. Hunter's eyes sparkled with a childlike wonder as they worked, and Luz couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him.

Once the fort was complete, they crawled inside, the soft glow of fairy lights casting a warm ambiance. Luz had brought a few of Hunter's favorite snacks and a pile of storybooks.

"Comfy?" Luz asked, offering him a juice box.

Hunter nodded, taking the juice box and sipping from it. "This is... nice. Thanks, Luz."

"Anytime," she replied, picking up a storybook. "How about a story? I've got 'The Tale of the Brave Owl Knight' here."

Hunter's eyes lit up. "I love that one."

Luz grinned and began to read, her voice gentle and soothing. As the story unfolded, Hunter relaxed more and more, leaning against Luz with a contented sigh. She wrapped an arm around him, holding him close.

"You're safe here, Hunter," Luz whispered. "Always."

Hunter closed his eyes, feeling a warmth in his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. In that moment, he allowed himself to let go, to be a child again, and to trust in the care of his newfound family. For the first time in years, he felt truly at peace.

And so, in the cozy blanket fort of the Owl House, Hunter found a sanctuary where he could be himself, where he could heal and grow, and where he was always surrounded by love and acceptance.

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