seaweed and sand - voltron

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little: Keith

cg: Lance

so the voltron team find a planet that has verry similar beaches to earth including stuff like sand and seaweed.


Lance who has lived by the sea and had been swimming for most of his life. isn't bothered by things like seaweed and sand.

but on the other end of the spectrum you have people like Keith. Keith really really hates both seaweed and sand so when he was informed that they had found a planet that had beaches.

keith's pov:

Allura found this planet that she said would be a good place for us Paladins to take a break. I thought it was a good idea until I found out that it's a beach. And one really similar to Earth. I hate the beach.

As large clusters of seaweed brushed up against my legs and body, I start to get overwhelmed. The sensation of it touching my skin sends shivers down my spine, and I can feel my heart rate increasing. The sand, gritty and rough beneath my feet, only adds to my discomfort.

"Lance, I-I need to get out of here," I stammer, my voice trembling with anxiety. I can feel the panic rising within me, threatening to consume me entirely.

Lance, sensing my distress, immediately comes to my side. He places a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering me a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Keith. Let's find a quieter spot away from the seaweed and sand."

I nod gratefully, allowing Lance to lead me away from the shoreline and towards a more secluded area of the beach. With each step, I can feel my breathing starting to slow down, the tightness in my chest gradually easing.

But just as I start to relax, Allura's voice cuts through the air, filled with impatience and annoyance. "Keith, why are you being so difficult? It's just seaweed and sand. Grow up and act normal for once."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, igniting a fresh wave of panic and insecurity. I feel the tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. Allura's lack of understanding only serves to deepen the sense of isolation I feel.

"Lance," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the sound of the crashing waves. "I-I can't do this. I'm sorry."

But before Lance can respond, I turn and flee, desperate to escape the overwhelming sensory overload that threatens to engulf me. I run blindly, tears streaming down my face, until I collapse onto the soft sand, my body trembling with sobs.

Lance's heart sinks as he watches Keith run off, tears streaming down his face. He knows that Keith is overwhelmed and in desperate need of comfort. Without a second thought, Lance chases after him, determined to find him and help him through this.

"Keith, wait!" Lance calls out, his voice filled with concern as he catches up to him. He finds Keith curled up on the sand, his shoulders shaking with sobs. Lance kneels down beside him, gently wrapping his arms around him in a comforting embrace.

"It's okay, Keith. I've got you," Lance murmurs softly, rocking him back and forth. He can feel the tension slowly draining from Keith's body as he continues to offer him words of reassurance.

But despite Lance's efforts, Keith's distress doesn't seem to be easing. In fact, if anything, it seems to be getting worse. His sobs grow louder, more desperate, and Lance can see the signs of regression beginning to take hold.

"Shhh, it's okay, Keith. You're safe with me," Lance whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Keith's head. He knows that Keith needs him now more than ever, and he's determined to be there for him every step of the way.

As Keith's cries gradually start to subside, Lance reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small plush toy, one that he knows always brings Keith comfort. He places it in Keith's trembling hands, watching as he clutches it tightly to his chest.

"Here, buddy. I brought Mr. Lion for you," Lance says softly, his heart breaking at the sight of Keith's tear-streaked face. "He'll keep you company while we're here, okay?"

Keith nods weakly, his breathing still ragged as he tries to regain control of his emotions. Lance continues to hold him close, offering him the warmth and comfort that he so desperately needs.

And as the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden glow over the beach, Lance knows that no matter what challenges they may face, he and Keith will always have each other.

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