Healing Hearts - heartstopper

122 1 18

little: ben

cg: harry

Ben sat alone in his dorm room, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him like an anchor. College was supposed to be a fresh start, but his past lingered like a ghost. Memories of how he treated Charlie in high school gnawed at him, each one sharper than the last. He felt an overwhelming guilt and sadness, emotions he had kept buried for too long. As the feelings surged, tears began to fall, unbidden and unstoppable. Ben Hope stared at the ceiling of his dorm room, the weight of guilt pressing heavily on his chest. 

It had been years since high school, but the memories of how he treated Charlie Spring still haunted him. He had finally come to terms with his own sexuality, realizing and accepting that he was bisexual. The realization brought with it a storm of emotions, mainly guilt and regret for the pain he had caused.

Harry walked into the room, humming to himself, when he noticed Ben curled up on his bed, tears streaming down his face. Panic flashed across Harry's features for a moment before he quickly crossed the room to Ben's side.

"Hey, Ben," Harry said softly, kneeling beside the bed. "What's going on?"

Ben couldn't form the words. The weight of his emotions was too much. All he could do was cry harder, his body trembling as he regressed. He felt himself slipping into a smaller, more vulnerable headspace, a coping mechanism he had discovered a while ago but rarely allowed himself to indulge in.

Harry watched in confusion, then noticed the telltale signs of Ben's regression. He had seen it before, in others, and realized what he needed to do. Moving carefully, he opened Ben's drawer and found a pacifier and a stuffed animal—a well-loved bunny.

"Ben, it's okay," Harry murmured, holding out the pacifier and the bunny. "Here, these might help."

Ben's tear-filled eyes widened in surprise but also relief. He took the pacifier and bunny, clutching the stuffed animal tightly as he popped the pacifier into his mouth. The familiar sensations helped ground him, and his sobs slowly began to subside.

Harry sat on the edge of the bed, gently rubbing Ben's back. "You're safe, Ben. I'm here for you."

As Ben calmed down, Harry reached for the remote and turned on the TV, searching for a cartoon channel. The bright colors and cheerful sounds filled the room, creating a comforting backdrop. Harry handed Ben a coloring book and some crayons, knowing the simple activity might help soothe him further.

"Do you want to color together?" Harry asked, his voice gentle and inviting.

Ben nodded, still sniffling but feeling more secure with Harry's presence. They sat together, coloring and watching cartoons, the tension slowly easing from Ben's body. He didn't have to explain or justify himself—Harry understood, and that was enough.

Hours passed, and as the night deepened, Ben began to feel more like himself again. He glanced at Harry, gratitude shining in his eyes.

"Thank you," Ben said softly, his voice hoarse from crying.

Harry smiled warmly. "Anytime, Ben. We're in this together, okay? You're not alone."

Ben nodded, feeling a warmth spread through him. For the first time in a long while, he felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to forgive himself and move forward, one step at a time, with a little help from his friends.

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