thunder storms -disventure camp s2

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Little: aiden 

caregiver: james 

i know adien is trans but it was to hard to write so i didnt put it in sorry


aidens pov

hiding  that im a little is really hard while im here. i was so scared that Kristal was going to out me during that question challange espeshaly when she almost outed me as trans. and when james and i had to sleep in that tent together when there was a thunderstorm. i almost regressed then and the same thing is happening. 

there is a massive thunder storm at the moment and im really scared. i want my paci and my tedy and i want to regress but i cant because james is here. 

"hey aiden" james says "we should wach a horror movie" 

"n-n-no thanks" i stutter. 

"why not are you scared" he says in a teasing manor. 

"i-" i start before a loud crack of thunder startles me. i jump and cover my face with my blanket. i feel tears start to prickle in my eyes as i start to slip in to a younger headspace. 

"hey aiden are you ok?" james ask. i dont reply. if i speck now my speach will probobly be slured and babyish. 

i feel the matress sink a bit as james sits next to me "whats wrong?" he asks in a gental tone of voice. 

james pov:

"wan tedy" he says quietly. his choice of words is a bit odd and he sounds a bit babyish. but i dont think anything of it. i scramble off the bed and grab aidens bag. i open it and im shocked. in his bag he has a tedy, a few pacis, some colourfull and fluffy onesies and footie pjamas, a few baby bottles and sipy cups, picture books and some diapers.

wait could aiden be a little. i have a friend whos a little and ive taken them a few times. i grab his tedy, a paci and a green dino onesie. as soon as i stand back up and aiden can see his tedy he reaches out and makes grabby hands. i hand it to him and slip the paci into his mouth. he seemes a little confused but a bit happyer and calmer. "do you wanna put this on?" i ask holding up the onesie. he nods. "can you get changed by your self or do you want my help"

"i tan do i" he says 

i step outside the cabin after about ten minets he calls me back inside.  just as another clap of thunder brakes over us. he runs over to me and hugs me. i pick him up and cuddle him he tucks his head into the crook of my neck. hes quite light for his sise. 

"do you wanna watch cartoons little man"

"des pwees" he says so i carry him over to the his bead and grab my laptop. i put on bluey and he cuddles into my chest. i grab his paci and stuffy and give them to him. he giggles and babbles happily.

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