sick day sk8

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little: reki regressed to age 1. 

mentions of little langa and little miya 

cg: joe 

mentions of cg cherry and cg shadow

no ships.

tw throwing up, diapers/pull ups i will put tw before the parts where it is mentiond so you can skip if you want.

joe's pov:

reki, langa and miya are supposed to hang out or have a playdate today. depending on if their regressed or not. were taking them over to cherry's place around lunch. i'm making pancakes for myself and reki to have for breckfast. once ive finished making them i check the time. it 9:26 am. reki is always awake by now without fail. little or not. im a little worried but he might just be playing in his room. 

i enter reki's room i hear quiet crying and wimpers. which makes me panic a little. i open the door to see reki curld up i the corner of his crib. quietly crying well its closer to sobing. 

no ones pov:

"hey whats wrong buddy" joe asked trying to keep calm as he kneals down next to reki's bed. reki just hicups and sniffles as a responce. 

joe carefully reches out and checks reki's temprecher with the back of his hand. he's really warm. like he's sirously burning up. "do you feel sick bud?" joe asks. reki nods "ok dada will get your medication to make you feel better" 

"f-fank yow" (thank you) reki mutters quietly. 

joe gets some medication then returns to reki's room.

joe's pov

"ok bud open up" i give him the medison. i can tell he dousnt want to take it but is too tied to protest. "do you want to put on some warmer clothes?" i ask him. he nods so i pick him up and lay him on the changing table. i grab a fuzzy and warm onesie. 

!mention of diapers start!

"hey buddy do you want to wear a diaper?" 

reki thinks for a second before nodding "mhm" 

i grab a diaper for him and change him. as im changing him he falls asleep. once i've finished changing him i pick him up then put him back in his bed. 

!mention of diapers end!

i head back down stairs so i dont wake him. i dont think we'll be going to cherry's today. i'll have to call and tell him. 

j: hey cherry we wont be coming over today

c: why its ok if reki's little langa's little today 

j: no reki's sick so - wait give me a muniet he's crying. 

i dont hang up. because i dont think its anything serous. mabey his stuffy just fell off the bed. or he spat out his paci and cant find it. 

!throwing up start!

i walk into reki's room and emedetly panic "oh shit" slips out of my mouth. reki's again siting curled up in the corner of his bed. but this time hed'd thrown up. there is a puddle of vomit in front of him.

j: cherry ill call you back

i hang up and rush over to reki's bed. i pick him up and take him to the bathroom. i lean him over the toilet so he can throw up again if he needs to. which he emeidetly does. i rub his back and hold his hair out of his face. once he's stopped throwing up i run him a luke warm bath. i put a bucket next to the bath so he can throw up in that. i undress him and place him in the bath.

after he's done with his bath. i change bhim back into his clothes and take him back to his room. i put a towel and a bucket on the floor next to his bed.

!throwing up end!

i set up my computer and put on bluey one of his favorite shows. i stay in the room with him this time  and call cherry to tell him we are defently not comming.

idk how to end this soooo

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