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cg:nick and a little bit of tao and elle as well



so i have a head cannon that charlie like to wear skits and nick being the most amazing boyfriend ever supports him fully and buys them for him sometimes.

another head cannon charlie is autistic (like me) and is sensetive to noise so he wears noise canselling headphones when hes in sochal setting. (also like me)


TWs: homophobia, slurs (that will be hashtaged out), a person getting overstimulated, impure regression (i hate that its called that) mentions of an ed and public regression.


Charlie was excited but also a bit anxious. He stood in front of his mirror, smoothing down the pleats of his favorite blue skirt. It was a gift from Nick, who always supported his fashion choices wholeheartedly. Today, Charlie was heading to the mall with Tao and Elle, a rare outing that combined the thrill of shopping with the challenge of navigating a bustling social setting.

Charlie grabbed his noise-cancelling headphones from his bedside table, knowing they would help manage the sensory overload he often experienced in crowded places. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that Tao and Elle would be with him, and they always had his back.

"Ready, Charlie?" Tao called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Charlie replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. As he descended the stairs, he was met with warm smiles from his friends.

The trio arrived at the mall and immediately started exploring various stores. Charlie felt a sense of comfort in the presence of Tao and Elle, who were both lively and supportive. They laughed and chatted, making the experience enjoyable.

Charlie's POV:

I freeze. Harry. Why does it have to be Harry? My hands instinctively grip my skirt, the soft fabric a small comfort in the storm brewing around me. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breathing starting to quicken.

"Hey f#####," I hear the familiar voice call as a piece of trash hits me. I turn around, and it's Harry, of course. His smug face twisted into that cruel grin he always wears when he's about to make someone else's day miserable.

Tao's POV:

I'm pissed off now. Harry always knows exactly how to push Charlie's buttons, and it infuriates me. I step forward, placing myself between Charlie and Harry.

"What the hell is your problem, Harry?" I shout, my voice trembling with anger. "Leave him alone!"

Elle's POV:

I can see Charlie starting to crumble. His eyes are wide, and he's starting to pull at the sleeves of his shirt. His noise-cancelling headphones are slung around his neck, useless in this situation. I move closer to him, trying to offer some comfort, but I can tell he's already starting to mentally regress.

"Charlie, it's okay. You're safe with us," I whisper, but it's no use. He's too far gone.

Nick's POV:

My phone rings, and I see Elle's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Can you come and get Charlie? He's really upset and he's regressed," she says, her voice filled with worry.

"Yes, of course. I'll be there soon. Are you guys still at the mall?"

"Yes, we're in the food court."

"Okay, on my way."

I grab my keys and Charlie's regression bag. The bag is packed with all his favorite comfort items: a soft blanket, his favorite stuffed animal, some sensory toys, and a sippy cup. I rush out the door and drive to the mall as fast as I can without breaking any laws. When I arrive at the food court, I see Elle, Tao, and Charlie in the corner. Charlie's upset face and the way he's shaking breaks my heart.

I run over to them, and Charlie looks up at me. As soon as I sit down, he clings to me, his small frame trembling against mine. I rub his back gently, and he snuggles into me, seeking the comfort and security I always try to provide him.

"Hey, buddy. It's okay. I'm here now," I whisper, kissing the top of his head. "I'm gonna take you home now, okay?"

Charlie nods weakly, his fingers gripping my shirt tightly. I stand up, still holding him close, and nod to Tao and Elle. "Thanks for calling me. I'll take it from here."

Elle's POV:

I watch Nick carry Charlie out of the food court, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. I'm glad Nick is here to take care of Charlie, but I hate that this happened in the first place. I turn to Tao, who is still fuming.

"We need to do something about Harry," he mutters, his fists clenched.

"I know," I reply. "But right now, let's just focus on Charlie. He needs all the love and support he can get."

Nick's POV:

The drive home is quiet. Charlie is nestled in my lap, his head resting against my chest. I can feel his breath starting to slow down, the tension in his body gradually easing. When we get home, I carry him inside and gently set him down on the couch. I hand him his favorite stuffed animal and wrap the soft blanket around him.

"Here you go, little guy. You're safe now," I say softly.

Charlie looks up at me with wide eyes, still a bit dazed. I can see the confusion and fear in his expression, and it breaks my heart all over again.

"Do you want your sippy cup?" I ask, holding it out to him. He nods, taking it with shaky hands.

As he drinks, I sit beside him, rubbing his back in soothing circles. "You're safe, Charlie. I've got you," I repeat, hoping my words will sink in and provide some comfort.

Slowly but surely, he starts to calm down, his breathing evening out. He leans against me, his eyes fluttering closed. I keep holding him, knowing that right now, all he needs is to feel loved and protected.

Charlie's POV:

The world is still a bit fuzzy, but Nick's presence is like a warm blanket wrapping around me. The awful encounter with Harry is starting to fade, replaced by the gentle rhythm of Nick's heartbeat. I clutch my stuffed animal tightly, taking comfort in its familiar softness.

"Thank you, Nick," I whisper, my voice small and fragile.

"Always, Charlie," he replies, his voice filled with love and reassurance. "I'm always here for you."

As I drift off to sleep, I know that no matter what happens, Nick will always be there to catch me when I fall. And for now, that's enough.

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