idk - voltron

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rquested by: 

little: keith

caregiver: lance

In the vast expanse of the universe, amidst the stars and galaxies, the red Paladin of voltron known as Keith Kogane. found himself in a peculiar situation. He wasn't battling the Galran Empire or embarking on trying missions with the Voltron team. Instead, he was experiencing something entirely unexpected: age regression.

Keith had always been a fiercely independent person, accustomed to facing challenges head-on and alone. But now, in the quiet moments aboard the Castle of Lions, he found himself regressing to the age of one. It was a baffling phenomenon, one that left him feeling vulnerable, uncertain and afraid.

Thankfully, he wasn't alone in this journey. Lance McClain, his fellow Paladin and loving boyfriend, stepped up without hesitation to become his caregiver. Lance had always possessed a caring nature beneath his charming exterior, and now, he embraced the role of guiding and protecting Keith with unwavering dedication.

As Keith grappled with the challenges of his regression, Lance stood by his side, offering comfort and support. Together, they navigated the complexities of Keith's new reality, forging an even stronger bond in the process.

Lance found himself marveling at the sight of Keith in his infantile state, his usually stoic demeanor softened by innocence and vulnerability. Gone was the fierce warrior; in his place was a child in need of love and care.

Despite the demands of their ongoing battles against the Galra, Lance made it his mission to ensure Keith's well-being above all else. He would cradle Keith in his arms, singing softly to him as they watched the stars glittering outside the Castle's windows. He would patiently tend to Keith's needs, soothing away any fears or discomfort with gentle words and tender touches.

Through it all, Keith found solace in Lance's presence, his trust in his boyfriend unwavering even in his most vulnerable moments. With Lance by his side, he felt safe to embrace his regression, to explore this new facet of himself without fear or shame.


sorry i know its so bad.

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