Lee Ming's soft side

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It was finally morning in Pezzo Sacro and Eva woke up to the feel of something warm and wet in between her legs. She noticed that Lee Ming was still asleep and took the opportunity to run to the bathroom. The took off her PJs and yes, it was exactly what she thought. It was that time of the month. "Shit...Why does it have to happen now?!" Eva exclaimed as she found out that her period had started and it had stained the Pyjama shorts she was wearing. She took off her stained PJs and put them in the washing machine and started to fill the bath tub with water. Eva was stack naked in the bathroom while waiting for the water to fill the bath tub so she can take her bath.

Meanwhile, Lee Ming woke up from his sleep the moment he couldn't feel the presence of the soft creature that was beside him. He sat up on the bed and saw that the sheets was stained with blood. He frantically got up from the bed in search of Eva thinking that something bad had happened to her. That same moment, Eva was humming a song while she waited for the water to fill. To her surprise, Lee Ming barged into the bathroom and Eva screamed out of shock. She used her left hand to cover her boobs and the other, her female genital. Lee Ming subconsciously stared at her. "Get out!" Eva said to him and he gained his consciousness and said "Sorry" before leaving the bathroom.

Eva felt extremely weird because he saw her naked. She quickly took her bath and when she was about to come out of the bathroom, she remembered she didn't carry any sanitary pads along with her to this place. "Shit, shit, shit!!. What's wrong with you Eva" she said to herself. She placed a towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom slowly.  "Hey" she said to Lee Ming who was staring at the blood stained sheets with so much seriousness in his eyes. After hearing her gentle voice, he turned to face her. "Eva...Are you okay?" He asked as he stared at her body from head to toe. "Yes, I am" Eva said biting her lip. The situation was so awkward for her. "Explain this" Lee Ming said pointing to the sheets.  Eva slowly walked towards him and saw that the sheets were stained. "Clap for yourself Eva" Eva's little voice in her head said.

"Uhmm...well...I'm on my period" Eva said biting her lip harder.
"Huh?" Lee Ming said confused at her behavior and not at what she said. He was actually relived that it was her period and not that something bad had happened to her. But Eva mistook it that he didn't understand what she said.
"Menstrual flow...it's that time of the month. I'm sorry I stained the sheets, I'll wash them as soon as possible" She said in a millisecond before grabbing the sheets.
Lee Ming was left amused by her behavior.
"Uhmm... can you get me some lady supplies please" Eva asked looking at the floor. She couldn't even look at his face now 'cause she would die of embarrassment. "Thank you" she said and rushed to the bathroom before Lee Ming could say anything.

Lee Ming took his phone and called Old man Cassano. "Hello Mister Ming" the man said on the other side of the phone.
"Do you know where I can get lady supplies? Lady Supplies.." Lee Ming said making emphasis so the man would understand.
"Ohhh that...I already made arrangements for that just in case. Check the top compartment of the cupboard. All you need is there" Cassano said.
"Ohh...thank you" Lee Ming said and did as he was told. Opening the top compartment of the cupboard, he saw a white bag and took it out. Opening the bag, he saw different Sanitary pads and tampons and wipes. "This should be enough" he said to himself.

He walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Yes?" Eva answered. "I have what you need" Lee Ming said and Eva opened the door and Lee Ming stretched the bag towards her and also a dress she should put on. "Thank you" Eva said as her cheeks turned crimson.

Few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom slowly. Lee Ming was staring at her wondering why she was acting so stiff. The air between them so still so awkward. "Thank you for the dress and that.." Eva said referring to the lady supplies.
"You don't have to be so shy about it though. I thought something bad happened to you that's why I reacted that way earlier" Lee Ming said and Eva sighed.
"Come here" Lee Ming said and Eva walked towards him. She stood in front of Lee Ming who was sitting at the edge of the bed. "Yes?" She said looking down at the floor. Lee Ming was moved by her cute actions. He pushed the strands of hair that was blocking his view of her perfect face behind her ear and held her hand. "It's okay...I don't feel weird about what happened" he said reassuring her because he knew she was acting this way because she thought he'll feel weird about what happened earlier. "It's normal for women" he continued. Eva then remembered the things they did last night and removed her hand from his due to how weird everything felt for her.

Lee Ming sighed and said "I'll go make breakfast". He left the room and Eva finally let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. Thinking about what he said and did, she was sincerely touched by his soft side. She had the urge to just grab him and squeeze him in a tight hug while kissing his handsome face.

Heyyy....hope u enjoyed this?

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