Wrong name

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The girl was taken aback by his actions and pushed him away. "I'm sorry I just needed you to shut up" Hwang Lu said frustrated. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" She asked annoyed. "Do you know anyone named Li Sung living here?" Hwang Lu asked ignoring her question. "You didn't answer my own question!" She said an she folded her hands across her chest. "You don't need to know who I am. I'm here looking for Li Sung. Do you know her?" Hwang Lu asked. He felt there would be no harm in him revealing his purpose of being here because she was human. "Li Sung is my mother, why are you looking for her?" She asked was she felt that this man was acting strange.

Meanwhile, Lee Ming was sitting quietly in the car thinking of how to reconcile with Eva. He took his phone and texted her. "Is my little pet asleep?". Few minutes later, she replied him "You see, this is what I don't like". Lee saw her reply and immediately texted back. "You don't like me calling you that?". When Eva saw the message, her defence crumbled because of the fact that she was missing him. She saw when he was leaving with Hwang Lu that night but thought that she won't be affected. After all she was planning on loosing feelings for him but seeing him leave kinda hurt her because she gave him an attitude earlier on. Without him around, she felt unprotected and incomplete. "I do like you calling me that. It's just that I don't know if you are calling me that because I'm just a plaything to you" She replied. She decided to tell him the truth because she couldn't continue with this back and forth thing with him. "Eva, you are not a plaything to me. You mean more than that" Came Lee Ming's reply.

Eva felt a smile creeping up on her face the moment she read that message. "Do come back home quickly" She replied and sent a running man emoji after. "For you." Lee Ming replied smiling.

Back in the house, the girl's parents ran down and entered the baby's nursery. "Yoon, we heard you call, what is it?" The girl's mother asked and soon, she saw Hwang Lu. "Yoon, who's this man?" Her father asked quickly before his wife could. "I don't know. He just said he wants to see mum" Yoon Sung said. Hwang Lu walked up to the woman "Are you really  Li Sung?" He asked as he wanted to confirm her identity from the woman herself. The woman nodded her head and Hwang Lu stared at her for what seemed like eternity. "No... it can't be" he said before leaving the house from the window whence he came through earlier. The family was struck by what just happened. They had no words to explain it.

After coming out if the house, the scene Hwang Lu met almost made him spit blood. Lee Ming was smiling from ear to ear at his phone for some reason. He shook his head in amazement the moment he set his eyes on Lee Ming. Getting back into the car, Hwang Lu peeped at Lee's phone and found out that he was smiling at his phone was because he just talked with Eva.

"Just few hours from when they had a misunderstanding. Now, they are so excited to speak to each other. Wow" Hwang Lu thought.

"Did you take care of it?" Lee Ming asked as the smile which was plastered on his face before was now long gone.
"It's not her. I'm very sure I made that Vampire tell me the truth." Hwang Lu said reassuring Lee Ming that he did what he could.
"If so, that means whoever sent them knew we will try and get that information and changed his or her name" Lee Ming said and Hwang Lu nodded.
"That woman in there totally matches the description but she is not the one. Whoever sent them must have perfectly planned this out to setup that woman. They obviously wanted us to make a mistake" Hwang Lu said.
"Let's go" Lee Ming said.

They left Oceanside and returned home early in the morning. About 2am. Yu Shao was in the kitchen preparing some desserts when Hwang Lu and Lee Ming came in. They weren't surprised that she was making desserts by this time because this was not the first time she was doing it. She walked up to them and asked "Did you find out who sent them?". "No" Lee Ming answered. "They knew we would go after those vampires. Whoever sent them gave them someone else's name on purpose" Hwang Lu added and Yu Shao looked more worried. "Don't worry, we'll find the person soon" Lee Ming said as he sensed the fear and worry coming from Yu Shao. "Sure" she replied and went back to the kitchen.

Hwang Lu went to his own room. He had to stay in Lee Ming's house until all this was over. Lee Ming on the other hand, walked to Eva's room and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, she was awake and opened the door. Surprised to see him, she said "You are back". Lee Ming smirked and said "You wanted me to come back quickly". Hearing his words, Eva remembered the message she sent to him earlier and her face turned crimson. "Are you still mad at me?" Lee Ming asked as he held her face in his arms. Her beautiful blue eyes were staring at him innocently. "No." She answered. "I'm sorry for acting the way I did earlier." She said staring back, right into his eyes.

The atmosphere between them thickened the more they were looking at each other. At that point, nothing else mattered. Eva was slowly loosing her self control as she stared at him and decided to look away.

Hey my little werewolves🤗😂❤️...if you feel this book needs to be better, please tell me. So I can work on myself. Thank you.


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