Chapter 2

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Noel's POV

I lay on the floor, wondering when the werewolf healing will finally heal my body enough to let me stand up without crying in pain.

When I finally manage to get up, I move to sit on the couch, and then I pull out my phone, calling papa.

"Hey. Is everything fine?" He asks me worriedly.

I'm not surprised that he already thinks that something happened, because that's mostly the case when I call him.

"Can you come back to the house for a moment?" I ask him, resisting the urge to wince when my jaw starts to ache again.

"I will be there soon." He tells me, and he hangs up, so I rest my back against the couch, and I sigh in frustration.

I haven't even done anything to Leon this time, I just said a stupid joke and he started to beat me.

Papa enters the house not much later, along with tata and dad.

Tata gasps slightly when he sees me, and when his shock leaves him, he comes over quickly.

I'm beaten up more than usually this time, so they seem a lot more worried, which isn't good, because that means that they will force me to go to the pack hospital again.

"Why did he beat you this time?" Papa asks, while dad lifts my shirt to see how bad the bruises are.

"I was just joking, and then he got mad." I tell him innocently.

"What did you say?" Dad asks me.

"He was talking to his friend, and he said that he can't wait to meet his mate, so I told him that I bet that his mate will like me more, and he got mad." I say with a shrug.

Any werewolf that is able to think clearly knows that it's almost not possible to like someone else more than their mate.

It's not my fault that my brother is too stupid to know that.

"You shouldn't have said that, but it's definitely not bad enough to beat you up this bad." Papa says, and dad nods in agreement.

"Or at all." Tata says.

"Take him to the hospital, and I will make sure that Leon will get his punishment." Papa says.

"I swear..." Papa says to himself as he makes his way to the stairs. "Trouble should not be double." He says.

I laugh slightly, but I quickly stop when my chest starts to hurt, reminding me of my broken rib.

Tata tells me that we should go to the Doctor now, but I tell him that I would like to sit here for a while longer.

So, he goes out of the living room, and he limes back with a glass of water for me, which I gladly take.

All three of us sit on the couch for a while, with the football game playing in the background quietly, until I finally hear that my brother starts to scream.

I knew that he will get spanked for what he did, and that's the reason that I wanted to stay here.

I like to listen to him being in pain after he beats me.

I can see that Tata is clenching him hands beside me, I know that he hates the fact that papa hits us, and he might try to stop him, so I decide to tell him that I'm ready to go to the pack hospital, and we make our way out of the house.

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