Chapter 27

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Derek's POV

I decided to go on a short walk, I know that it's a good way to clean my head, and that's what I need right now.

I haven't seen Noel for two days, and I really have no idea what I can do to make him forgive me.

Or at least to convince him to talk with me.

If I knew that Leon could get pregnant, I would have been more careful, but I know that I shouldn't have slept with him at all.

At least not before I and Noel were fine again.

But now Leon is pregnant, and I can't do anything to change it, I didn't really want to have a kid already, and I doubt thar Leon did, but we both accepted it, so Noel will have to accept it too.

I know that he will accept it eventually, but I hope that it won't take him years to do it, I have no idea how I would handle the situation if we will live together, and he will hate this kid.

It wouldn't be a good place for this kid, and neither would be good for Peter to live in a house like this.

So, I will have to come up with some solution, and I will have to do it quickly.

I really hope that we won't get the effects of rejection because of this.

I don't want to see either of my mates in a hospital ever again, and I don't want to lay there either.

I get out of my thought when I hear that someone is walking towards me.

I look around, and I front when I see that I'm somewhere in the woods, I didn't even realise that I have reached them.

I sniff the air to see how far I have gone, and I let out a sigh of relieve when I can smell a lot of people not very far from me.

They all smell like this pack, so in sure that I'm near the pack house, or one of the clearings.

So, I make my way towards them, but I stop when I remember that I heard someone.

It's quiet now, so I frown again, before I decide that I must have imagined it or something.

And I start to walk again, but this time I'm stopped, and someone puts their hand around my neck.

He's a bit stronger than me, but not by much, so I manage to get out of his hold.

"What do you want from me?" I ask the boy, who is around the age of my mates.

"I want to make sure that you know to never disappoint my best friend again." He tells me, so I frown.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I tell him honestly, I didn't even meet anyone in this pack yet, I have been too busy trying to get to know my mates.

My reply makes him even more angry, and he runs at me, then he punches me in my head, before I can even try to defend myself, and all I can see after this is blackness.

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