Chapter 28

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Noel's POV

I sit on the bed in the room that Scott lets me stay in, and I look at the ceiling, while I listen to some music.

I have decided that I will do what Harry told me to do, I definitely don't want Derek to cast me away again, especially if he's going to treat me well, before he will do it.

A while later I hear that I got a message, so I take my phone, and I stop my music, before I read the message that is from Harry.

"I made sure that your mate won't treat you like that again. I'm sure that he will take your feelings into consideration, before he will do something stupid next time." Harry says.

I frown at my phone, hoping that he doesn't mean what I think that he means.

I quickly call him, and he picks up right away.

"What have you done?" I ask him.

"I hit him a few times." He says, sounding like he's proud of what he did.

"Please tell me that you're kidding." I say, and he's silent for a while.

"Are you angry at me?" He asks, and I can hear the confusion in his voice.

"A bit." I say, and I decide to explain it to him, because I'm sure that he won't get it on his own.

"He knows that I told you to beat Leon up, and he was angry at me for a while because of it, so I'm sure that he will think that I told you to hit him." I tell him.

"Alright, I get it now." He says, and I sigh in frustration, because I really don't want to be in this situation.

"Did you at least take him to the hospital?" I ask him.

"Well, I told one of my friends to do it, everyone would have known that I beat him up if I dragged him there." He tells me.

"And I think that he won't be able to recognise me, it was very dark outside, so even with our sight, I could barely see him.

I also masked my scent so he doesn't know it, but he heard my voice, although I hit him in the head, so he might not remember it." He explains.

I would like to believe that Derek won't recognise Harry, but I'm not stupid enough to do it, and I'm sure that Harry knows that Derek will manage to find him.

"Alright, I want to go to the hospital, I will talk to you later." I tell him, and I hang up.

Then I change my clothes, and I walk outside, before I make my way towards the pack house.

I hesitate, before I open the door that leads to the hospital, but I take a deep breath, and I manage to force myself to do it.

But I regret it instantly when I see that my parents are here, along with Leon who's already glaring at me from the other side of the corridor.

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