Chapter 13

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The common room was empty as everyone was still eating. You sat in front of one of the large windows. You looked at all the fish swimming in the black lake as you tried to calm down.

You then heard someone enter the room and looked over to see Draco. You blushed as he started to walk towards you.

"Hey, YN... are you okay?" You nodded as you avoided his gaze. "I'm okay... Ron is just being a dick."

Draco sends you a look before laughing at you. "I bet he is", Draco responded.

Draco's eyes wander around the room, checking to see if anyone else is around. When he sees no one else is in the common room, he sits next to you.

"Next time Ron messes with you, you can come to me. I'll deal with it." Draco states, looking towards you.

"That's very kind of you, Draco, but I have to decline. I can handle it on my own." You say softly

You feel yourself shiver as the cold air in the common room finally hits you. "What time is it draco?"

"It's 8 o'clock," Draco states. You nod your head, quietly thanking him before turning your head back towards the window.

"It's always so cold in the Slytherin common room." You utter putting your arms around your body, trying to gather a form of warmth.

"I know right, come here." He tells you sweetly, opening his arms for you.

Your eyes widen slightly at the words that just came out of Draco's mouth. Why was he being so nice to you all of a sudden? Did he want something or did he actually want to spend time with you?

Without thinking another moment, you scoot towards him, letting his arms wrap around your body, granting you comfort and warmth.

You and Draco are now in a position where both of you are looking out the window.

Laying in Draco's arms didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable, it made you feel happy, happy knowing that Draco might even slightly be interested in talking to you again, especially after finding out that you were Harry's sister.

You thought of trying to make conversation with him, but as you were about to spark up a conversation you noticed that he had fallen asleep.

He was snoring slightly, occasionally stirring in his sleep, but other than that he was rather peaceful.

You felt yourself starting to get tired as well. So, instead of falling asleep here, you decide to go to sleep in your own room.

You didn't want to wake Draco up so you opted to cover him up with a blanket that was on the couch, whispering Goodnight to him as you trailed off to your bedroom.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now