Chapter 6

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After just a few more days of getting to know Neville, you'd been inseparable. Ron and Harry seem to be annoyed by this, but Neville reassured you that it's worth being friends with you.

School was going much better now that you had a friend. Even when kids did pick on you, you'd still have Neville.

Draco and his friends also stopped picking on you, so that helped a lot. You were currently reading a book in the common room. It was late at night so no one else was out of the their dorms.

That was until Draco walked in. You're confused as to why he was awake but you didn't say anything.

He sat in the chair across from the couch you were sitting on and opened a book you assumed was his diary.

It felt peaceful to read while he wrote. He sent no dirty looks to you, simply just writing.

"Hey. I'm sorry... About everything." You hear him say, closing his book.

You look at him, eyes meeting his guilty face. "My friends would tattle on me to my father. He... doesn't particularly like you. Or any of the potter's." He adds to his apology.

"It's okay, Draco... Really. I've heard a lot about your family, I assumed that may be the reason why" you respond quietly.

"Are the rumors true? ...about your brother, I mean" he questions.

"Some of them. He hates me if that's what you mean. I wish things would just go back to normal again" you say, wiping your eyes before the tears can form.

"I'm sorry" he responds. The room goes quiet for a few minutes, until Draco suddenly says; "I see that your hanging out with Neville. I wouldn't do that, if I were you".

You immediately send him a dirty look, responding; "Neville is my best friend. Don't you dare talk bad about him".

You walk away, going to your dorm before he can get the chance to respond.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now