Chapter 20

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It was a random summer evening where you were sitting in your shared room at the Dursleys, reading a book about Astronomy.

You were about to start the next chapter, but before you could flip the page, Harry came barging into your room.

YN, we have to go; pack your bag for school right now." He says this quickly, practically pushing you off the bed and handing you your suitcase.

Harry, what's happening?" You ask, feeling confused as to why Harry's freaking out.

Harry continues to shove clothes and other miscellaneous items in his bag as he says, "I accidentally cast a spell on one of Dursley's friends; I didn't even say anything out loud; it just happened. So we have to go like now."

"What did the Dursleys say? Is the friend okay?" You ask urgently as you pack your bag quickly.

"They got mad but didn't really say anything to me yet; they were more concerned with their friend. So we need to leave before they come up here." He states this as he finishes packing his bag.

"How are you always causing trouble around here, Harry?" You ask in a taunting tone.

He gives you a look before grabbing his bag and your hand, pulling you both out of your shared room and towards the front door.

As you and Harry quietly exit the house, you begin to walk around looking for a place to stay temporarily so you can come up with a plan on what to do.

After a little bit of walking, you and Harry finally end up at a park. The sun has set, and now the both of you are sitting on the swing in silence, neither of you knowing what to really talk about.

"Now what? School doesn't start for a couple of days, and we can't just stay here." You mumble, looking at Harry.

"I'm honestly not sure, YN; I didn't really think this through. I just knew we had to leave; I didn't really have a plan. I'm sorry." He states, looking off in the distance.

You turn your head to look where he's looking before saying, "It's alright, don't worry, we'll figure something out. Besides, it feels good to be out of that house anyway."

After sitting on the swing for a little bit longer, it starts to rain—not a heavy rain, but enough to get the things around you wet and you wet as well.

After the rain slows down, you and Harry grab your things and go sit on the curb.

You and Harry let silence take over the both of you, checking out your surroundings, but it was slightly difficult since it was so dark.

As you're about to ask Harry a question, the street light above the both of you starts to flicker. You hear a noise from behind you and turn around to see the swings beginning to move, the seesaw rocking up and down.

As you turn back around, you're hit with wind, yours and Harry's hair slightly blowing back.

As you turn your head towards the woods, you and Harry hear a rustling noise coming from the bushes.

A creature that almost looks like a wolf comes out of the bushes, its eyes glowing as it stares at you and Harry. 

You're about to get up, but Harry beats you to it. He quickly jumps up and takes his wand out of his pocket. As he's about to point his wand at the wolf, he is blown back by a huge gust of wind, practically falling on top of you.

You turn your head and see a tall purple bus coming towards you and Harry.

As the bus comes to a stop in front of you guys, you shove Harry off you, causing him to land on the floor next to you.

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