Chapter 22

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The school year started up the same as always. The only thing that changed was that now that your a third year you have more classes.

You sit in Defense Against the Dark Arts, waiting for your teacher to come in the class. Usually you'd awkwardly sit with the slytherins, but since you shared this class with the gryffindors you sat in between Neville and Ginny.

The teacher came in at the last moment and begun class. He introduced himself as Professor Lupin. You felt like you recognized the name, but you shrugged it off. So far he was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts.

At one point Harry was called on and Professor Lupin mentioned that he was close friends with James Potter.

You wanted to hear him talk more about James but the conversation was quickly dropped.

You thought about it for the rest of the day. You wondered if he knew about you too. About why James and Lily Potter adopted you. About who your real parents were. If they even loved you and if they had died. Were they still out there?

Neville tapped you on the shoulder and asked you; "are you okay?". You responded with a small nod. "We're here for you, you know?" Ginny adds.

The rest of the class was spent talking to Ginny and Neville, occasionally catching gazes with Draco.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now