Chapter 24

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It was the morning of quidditch tryouts. Ginny had been talking about quidditch non stop for the past week and have convinced you to try out with her.

You had just finished getting ready and were making your way towards tryouts so you could meet up with Ginny.

As you make your way onto the field you see Ginny excitedly waving at you.

You happily wave back at Ginny before rushing up to her. "Hey YN! Do you know what position you're gonna try out for? I'm trying out for chaser."

"Hi Ginny! I'm gonna try out for beater I think. I was gonna do seeker bur Draco's already our teams seeker and that also means I would have to go against Harry. So beater it is." You state shrugging your shoulders slightly.

You and ginny part ways, the both of you going to your designated teams.

Gryffindor and Slytherin get called to go against eachother in tryouts. Everyone mounts their broom before heading up to where you're supposed to play.

As a beater your job was to hit bludgers at the opposite teams and get them out.

As the whistle blew everyone sprung into action. You had a bat in hand and was trying to find the bludger.

You see the ball and immediately fly towards it, using your bat to hit it at one of the gryffindor players.

Eventually one of the gryffindor bludgers It's the ball straight at you, but you hit it back at them before it touches you.

Every few minutes you'd glance at Ginny. You didn't know that much about quidditch, but you knew she was doing very well.

The whistle was blown and the time to tryout was over. You met up with Ginny and patiently waited for the results.

Neville came down from the bleachers and told the two of you about how amazing you both were.

"Really, You were both great on brooms! And YN, why did you never tell us you were so good at quidditch?" Neville continues, "You've never shown interest in it before".

"Oh.. um, well I mean... I've played with bats at the playground before." You explain, "But other than that I don't have any experience in quidditch".

Soon everyone was called up to the field and they revealed who would be accepted into the team. Thankfully both you and Ginny had gotten the parts you wanted.

You congratulated Ginny, as it was a big deal she was the chaser at only year two.

You then walked with Ginny and Neville to the Great Hall for dinner and spent the rest of the afternoon celebrating.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now