Chapter 33

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Defense against the Dark arts hadn't been the same since Remus left. You hated the class now.

The new teacher was Professor Moody. You thought he was an okay teacher until today. He was teaching everyone about the three unforgivable curses.

He used imperio on a small, crab like creature. At first it was all fun and games. He moved it around the classroom from student to student.

It landed on your hand and you looked at it with curiosity. But soon enough it jumped onto another girl in your class.

But then he moved on to the next curse. Crucio. Not only that, but, he called Neville up to watch it.

You felt a strong urge of protectiveness towards both Neville and the small defenseless creature. Without thinking you shouted "Accio!"

The animal flew into your hand and you stood in shock for a moment before running out of the class.

You didn't know what to do with it so you went to go find Luna at lunch. "Luna, do you know what this is?"

She explained that it was just a spider and that it would be okay in the forbidden forest. You nodded and thanked her.

You then went to Neville at the Gryffindor table. "Neville, are you okay?" You ask worriedly. He looked quite sad but he nodded.

"Is... Is it okay?" He asked with a sad voice. You nodded, smiling and presented the spider to him. It was crawling around in your hands.

The spider was much more calm when the imperius curse wore off. You thought about keeping the spider, as you found it was actually very cute.

But you knew it would be happier outside so you took it to the forbidden forest after lunch.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now