Chapter 30

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Another restless night came. You hated everything about this. About who your father was. About how much Harry would hate you if he found out. You were starting to get behind in school and exams were coming up.

You went out to the common room to see Draco was the only one out. You were thankful. "Hey, Draco... What are you doing?" You question with a quiet voice.

"Just thinking... And you?" He responds just as quiet. "Me too... Would you mind helping me study?" You ask hopefully.

He smiles and says; "of course". You go to sit next to him as he begins to tutor you. Things were going well until you started to zone out.

"Draco? How much longer do you think we have? How much time do you think we will stay like this. I think we both know a second war is coming..."

He looks at you with a distraught face. He knew it too, but he was still in denial. 'The two of you were only thirteen, you shouldn't be thinking about this. About death, about separation, it was too early for this.' He thought to himself.

"Not anytime soon. You are safe, YN. We're safe" He states seriously. You look at him in the eyes for a minute before resting your head on his shoulder.

He continues to read the study guides to you until you fall asleep. He wished that you could have slept in your bed, but since boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitories he helped you lay down on the couch and tucked you in.

"Goodnight, YN" He says before kissing your forehead and leaving to go to his own dorm.

He knew you had nothing to worry about. You are a lot smarter than you thought you were, and he knew you were going to do excellent on the exam days.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now