Chapter 32

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It was now time to go back to Hogwarts. You were still slightly shaking up from the events that happened prior, but you were excited to see Neville, Lorenzo, and Draco. Expecially Draco.

When you got to the Hogwarts Express, the first person you saw was Neville. You immediately ran up to him. "Neville!" You shouted with a wide smile.

He smiled back and hugged you tightly. "I missed you two!" He said as he looked at you and Ginny. After both you and Ginny had hugged Neville, The three of you walked onto the train together.

You all sat in a compartment together and started to catch up on everything that had happened over the summer.

A few minutes later you saw Draco and waved him. He smiled and waved back before opening the door to your compartment and stepping inside.

He closed the door and curtain so no one could see and then he hugged you tightly. "I've missed you..." He whispers in your ear.

You look into his eyes and kiss him. You hug him once more before you say bye and he walks out.

"So are you two like... Together? Officially?" Ginny asks curiously, trying to hold in her giggles.

"Yes... But don't tell anyone" you explain, "we're keeping it secret for now". She nods understandingly.

Lorenzo had yet again gone to the train late, but when he arrives immediately made his way to you. He sat next to you while Ginny and Neville sat facing you.

"YN, are you okay? You've seemed a bit off recently..." Lorenzo asks genuinely. He frowns as he tries to read your expression.

He was right. You hadn't been the same since you found out about Voldemort. You wondered if he'd realized this a while ago.

But if you did tell him something was wrong, you'd have to tell him what. And you can't do that. "No, nothings wrong. I'm doing great" You say as genuinely as you can.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now