Chapter 23

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Third year had been going how you expect it to. Pretty much the same as before but with more school work and slightly more freedom to do what you want.

Ever since the school year started you'd felt stressed by the loads of work and needed somewhere peaceful to go.

That's when you started going to the forbidden forest. It was empty and calming.

You knew technically it was forbidden to all students, but Harry always found himself in the forbidden forest, so what's different if you do?

You walked down the trail of the forest, walking along the river. The sound of moving water helped you relax in a way nothing else had.

You liked to go at night, that way you could look up at the stars and try to make out different constellations you'd learned about in astronomy.

As you walked deeper into the forest, you saw something you hadn't expected. A ravenclaw student petting a kneazle.

You hadn't known much about magical creatures, but you heard people talking about them in the halls.

"Woah... Is that a kneazle? What are you doing?" You ask the girl nervously.

"I'm feeding her. Would you like to help?" She asks generously. You nod and slowly make your way over to where she was sitting in the grass.

She hands you the food and you carefully feed the cat-like creature. "My name is Luna" she says gently, "and you are?".

"YN..." You respond, focusing on the kneazle in front of you.

"I'm just getting ready to leave" Luna states dreamily as she starts to stand up. You stand up as well and say; "me too... Would you like to walk back together?".

She smiles and nods and the two of you walk back, talking about your interests and what you have in common. It was nice talking to Luna.

She was calming to be around, more calming than the forbidden forest was.

It became a routine to meet up every night in the forbidden forest, where she'd teach you everything about beasts and you'd teach her what you'd learned from your astronomy books.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now