Alternative Ending: Lorenzo Berkshire

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As you hear those words leave Harry's mouth, you immediately run back to the portkey. As you're running
, you quickly realize that the mysterious man was voldemort. As you were about to reach the portkey, more death eaters arrived, one of them being Lucius Malfoy.

When you finally arrived back, you decided to wait for Harry and decided that if he wasn't back in ten minutes that you would go after him.

Thankfully, you see Harry running towards you. You wait for him to catch up to you before the both of you go to the portkey.

The both of you reach out to the Cup, and both of you are teleported back to Hogwarts.

You and Harry are both shaken up and scared when you arrive back to Hogwarts. Harry immediately yells; "Voldemort's back! He's back!"

Gasps erupt through the Great Hall, but before they can question you on what happened, you storm out, rushing towards one of the many courtyards in Hogwarts.

You feel tears forming in your eyes as you sit down on the ground, leaning up against a wall, taking fast and shallow breaths.

"YN?" You hear a concerned voice say. You take your head out of your hands to look up, and your eyes are met with Lorenzo's.

He immediately sits down next to you, pulling you into a tight embrace as his hand rubs your head as a form of comfort. "What happened? I heard what Harry said about you know who and you just rushed out." Lorenzo asks softly, looking down at you. "If you're not ready to answer, you don't have to, only if you're comfortable."

You look up at him, tears falling out of your eyes slightly, "Voldemort possessed Viktor. He was acting strange. He just started running straight at me instead of the cup. It looked almost like he was going to kill me."

You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing, "But when he saw Harry near the cup he started walking towards him, then Harry and I touched the cup, we got teleported to a graveyard where voldemort tried to kill us. But as we were running Harry said something about him being here before in a dream and that we had to leave now or else something bad was going to happen. We both run to the portkey and the both of us touch the cup taking us back to Hogwarts, and now I'm here."

"I'm so sorry YN, I know that must have been scary. But I'm just glad you're alive." Lorenzo says with a sigh. The both of you just sit there for awhile basking in eachothers arms.

Eventually Dumbledore came and found you, which meant you had to go with him an answer some questions. As you were walking with him to his office he kept glancing towards you, but no words were shared.

As you arrive to his office he makes you wait a little farther back so he can say the password to his office. As the door opens he ushers you in.

You sit down in one of the chairs in his office as he sits in front of you. He asks you a couple basic questions like if you're okay, what happened, and you're sure it was voldemort.

You answered all of his questions as fast as possible, hoping to get out of there quickly so you could just got to bed. After about an hour of questioning he finally tell you that it's alright for you to leave.

"Be safe YN and if anything strange happens tell a teacher immediately." Dumbledore states in all seriousness, looking at you.

You look back at him nodding your head that you will before walking out of his office and towards the Slytherin common room.

Opening the door to your dorm had never felt better. You quickly went into your bathroom, took a shower and did your nightly routine before changing into your pajamas. You hop into bed, but you can't sleep. Visions of voldemort filling your mind preventing you from falling asleep.

I Miss When We First Met:Draco, LorenzoWhere stories live. Discover now