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Dean Winchester received a very emotional phone call from Lisa, it almost tore his heart into shreds after hearing her truth. The truth hurts so much that he desperately wanted to kill himself to forget the words from her mouth. Karina Leone stayed in a car, but she could read the tension from his back when he was leaning the hood. She felt the pain when she saw his face of remorse and agony.

Deep down, he can empathize with what she was feeling at the moment when they were on the way to hear the truth coming from Sam Winchester. Approaching the building, he was holding a small box when he was climbing down the stairs to meet them. "Hey, where you been? I found something."

Karina held her hand as she spoke softly, "Wait, Sam. We need to talk, okay?"

"Yeah. What's up?" His feet stepped down the steps as he looked at the ingredients for a summoning ritual. Dean and Karina shared glances behind his back, then a cursed one began interrogating him.

"There are a few things I want to ask you, and you're gonna tell me the truth."

"Yeah, Dean. Of course. What are you talking about?" Sam realized when he turned to them who had serious eyes on him. "Whoa. Are you saying you're..."

"I asked for the truth. And you know what? I'm getting it." Sam scoffed lightly as he stood in front of them in curiosity. Karina crossed her arms while she looked into his eyes, seeing if she could read the truth behind them. "So, like I said, I have a few questions for you. When that vamp attacked me, why did you just stand there?"

Sighing deeply when he was taking all in the question, then he looked at Dean and Karina who were staring at them. "I-I didn't. I froze."

Her eyes squinted in disbelief, "You froze? Sam, I saw you... You were standing there, and you-" Karina couldn't finish her sentence when she witnessed him smirking at the scenery. The chills were heightening as her voice caught in her throat, then Dean began to ask another question based on point.

"You have been Terminator since you got back. I mean, you couldn't lift up a phone to call Kay, why?"

"I just... Karina, I'm sorry. I just don't want to pull you into our mess again. I wanted you to be safe from me, and I don't blame my brother for calling you. I am happy you're here. That night, I was in shock, guys. It was too late." He chuckled lightly when his voice lowered as he looked at their eyes. "I feel terrible about it. Believe me. Dean... Karina... I can't lie here.'

Their eyes were filled with tears with every ounce of emotions flowing through their souls. In her mind, she really thought she was hallucinating. It wasn't real when she saw him smirking. The truth spoke within her humanity as she realized what he was doing. He was her. Her brown eyes aimed at the floor as she felt so much embarrassment. I was wrong...

"Do you really think I would let something like that happen on purpose? Guys, you're my family. H-how could you even--"

"Okay. Okay." Sam saw their eyes filled with tears and honestly broken from inside. "Sorry. I... we thought we saw something. I... I guess we were wrong. It's just been a really, really bad day."

His hand was on his forehead, rubbing his tiredness while she was wiping the tears off her cheek. Noticing that she was avoiding her eyes from him, he gave a soft touch with his voice and his comforting hand. "Hey. It's okay. I got your back, all right, guys? I always have."

"Thanks, Sammy."



Meanwhile, Huntress and the Winchesters were in a room, discussing what they found in a box. Sam informed every specific detail from the ingredients, and all Karina gave so much pity to the poor kitten. She was sitting beside him with his laptop as he gathered the information.

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