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Well... there was a problem. It was another sister who was doing the killing as she succeeded to murder Melanie's friend last night. They all went back to her house while they discussed the situation in the living room while the owner of the house was upstairs. Dean pointed out, "Should have known that whole "Good Sis, Bad Sis" story was just showmanship crap. Oh, and it turns out that Kate was just trying to warn people about her evil bitch sister. And we burned bones, so that's gone."

"Dean," said Sam.


"All we can do now is go stop her. That's not good enough by a mile."

"I know. Believe me--"

Karina interrupted Sam when she saw Melanie climbing down the stairs in her light blue robe, "Boys." She turned to her as she asked her in concern, "You're okay?"

She dried her tears away as she shakily stood, "Been better."

"Listen, if you need us for to leave--"

Melanie finished her thought after Dean's sentence, "I need you guys to leave."

"Okay, we will. It's just... look-- Margaret is still out there."

"What do you guys need to know?"

"Is there anything that stood out?"

Her voice slowly broke when she tried to remember the incident, "Well... she barely gave a crap about me. I mean, I was just in the way. She was all about getting Camille."

"Okay. That's something," said Dean.

"One other thing. She enjoyed it. She was smiling."

After the trio receive the information about their new friend, Margaret, they all started to visit the cemetery in broad daylight to dig up her grave. Sam and Karina stood around the grave, making sure they're not being seen while Dean was digging the grave.

"I feel naked doing this in daylight."

"Yeah. Let's just hurry up." The more digging occurred as Dean grew tired, then Sam volunteered to finish the job. When the shovel touched the wooden coffin, he threw back the shovel above his head and smashed it into pieces. Before Karina got hot because of the hit, Dean pulled up his lighter as he pointed out. "All right, Mags, my lighter juiced up this time."

Sam moved the door aside, then their faces changed as they all saw an empty coffin. Karina growled in frustration before she covered the grave with dirt. When she finished, they hurried to the car, carrying the bags of supplies. Dean commented, "Geraldo's. Not good."

"It's never good, dumbass!"

"Guys, if someone knew enough to take Margaret's bones, they're not kidding around. That's serious binding magic."

Dean opened the trunk, packing their stuff inside while Sam and Karina thought more on the case. "Great. Psychic ghost bitch on a leash."

"We got to find those bones," said Karina.

"So we got to find the bonehead."

Sam asked them, "So, what? We just call Bobby and see if he finds something to harness the power of a ghost?"

"How about Ghostbusters?" commented Karina. She received the glare from Sam which quietened her down, then Dean noticed the flier by the bags.

"Hey, guys, you know why I'm not going to spend my money at the annual Lily Dale E.S.P. Festival and hot-dog-eating contest this year?"

"I understood the point about the festival, but the contest seemed like your thing. Why asking us this?" asked Karina.

He unfolded the flier to prove the point for them, "Because all the headliners are dead." Sam and Karina together understood the idea as they made their way back to Melanie. Dean volunteered to talk to Melanie while Sam visited the owner of Emporium again while the huntress was waiting in the car.

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