Chapter 43

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It was 4am.

We all sat around Zach's living room, laughing about the night we had while Ben acted out the scene that was so far off what had actually happened. "And then the terminator turns his attention on me!" I laughed, my side crushed against Megan's as we pulled the blanket tighter around us. "He said, you think you're a big man don't ya, and I stood up straight," He couldn't finish his sentence he was already laughing so much, so Zach stood up completely straight and bought his hand to his forehead in salute.

"No sir. The only big man around here is in my pants sir." He said with a completely straight face before breaking character and bending over while we all laughed at him.

After another hour or so of this, we had all drifted off.

When I woke up, I groaned and moved my neck, realising it was now stiff from the way it had fallen on Scarlett's shoulder. "That was really nice of you last night." Jamie's voice sounded through the house from the kitchen, and I stretched out, slowly peeling the blanket off me and trying not to wake the three blondes still passed out on the sofa. Ben being the third.

"It doesn't matter." Zach replied in the same uncaring voice he always had. "As long as they clean up the bathroom, no harm done."

I suddenly realised they were talking about us girls and I decided not to announce myself straight away. "Come on man," Jamie continued. "I mean it. You and Haylie have never gotten on, but I know you did it for her."

"I promised him I'd take care of her." Zach replied and for some reason, that hurt. I hadn't even for a moment believed that his actions last night had been because of Daniel. I thought they had been because he was my friend.

"You know, it's okay to admit your opinion of her has changed. You like her. You can say it, I won't tell." Zach laughed quietly and I wasn't sure whether or not it was because he thought the statement ridiculous. "You hated her so much because you were scared she was going to hurt Dano. That's over now. Shields can come down and you can admit she's a really great friend to have."

I waited. I wanted to know what he would say, I wanted him to just admit he liked me. That he more than tolerated me. That I was his friend. "I'm not friends with eavesdropping little girls."

I winced but stepped out from behind the wall, seeing Zach stood behind the black and grey island. His arms folded but a teasing expression on his face. Jamie looked over his shoulder from his seat on the bar stool and grinned. "Would you look at that?" He commented and held open an arm for me to come closer.

I didn't let my embarrassment stop me as I approached, my bare feet on the wooden floor and my champagne dress a little more wrinkled than it was last night. Jamie let his arm fall around my shoulder as he pulled me close. "It's dangerous to sneak up on werewolves little red." He joked and bit his teeth together making me frown.

"Why because I might hear you talking about me?" I countered and reached forward for the mug of tea one of them had left on the counter.

"You had fun last night." Zach commented as he flipped the kettle on again. "Would you like your own?" I nodded, the lukewarm tea on my hands lacking sugar.

Jamie moved his arm around my shoulders to pull out the bar seat for me. "I did." I confessed. I hadn't thought about Daniel all night. Okay maybe once or twice when I saw a couple dancing together. Or a joke was told that I knew he would find funny. But overall, I had healed a little with my friends. "Thanks again for letting me come along."

Jamie laughed quietly, still aware of the three sleeping on the sofa. "You're always invited. It's not your fault that Danny always tried to keep you in a box."

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