Chapter 10

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"So, I uh" I couldn't get my words out. Get it together dickhead. "Since there aren't many of you, why don't we introduce ourselves a little." I finally said and coughed trying to cover up for my nerves. "Then, I would like each of you to perform what you can. Whether it's singing or an instrument."

I had to avoid the entire corner of the room that Haylie was sat in. When I first saw Megan it was easy. I smiled like I was seeing a friend I hadn't seen in a while. But Haylie, it was such a mix of emotions that I had to avoid it at all costs.

"Can you go first?" A red headed girl asked with a look in her eye that I wasn't a fan off by these students.

I nodded and jumped up on my desk, trying desperately to channel the man I was this morning. "What would you like to know?" I asked and let my hands fall between my legs.

"Why do you teach music?" A boy, who I believe was called Roger, asked.

I thought for a moment before shrugging. "It's one of my passions. I enjoy singing and playing the guitar and I figure why not devote my life into making others enjoy it like I do." I answered and he nodded, indicating he had accepted my answer.

"How old are you?" I opened my mouth, but the sudden reminder forced me to close it again. I couldn't get around this one, so I had to just own it.

"I just turned 25." I said and from the corner of my eye I saw both Megan and Haylie stiffen.

"Wow, how are you teaching A level when you're so young?" Another boy asked. I focussed on him rather than the eyes burning holes into me.

"Well, I've done some work as a supply teacher for the last 3 years so, I got some good recommendations." A nice easy answer and I was silently praying for more questions so I could continue not focussing on the corner.

"You should have been a Specsavers model." A girl said staring at me, the whole class laughed apart from the two girls in the corner.

I forced a laugh and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind." I smiled and then the other students started introducing themselves.

It soon got to Megan and even her familiar, but hard, eyes were hard to meet. "I'm Megan, but everyone here already knows that." She stated earning a few chuckles. "I sing, but I can't really play any instruments." She said bluntly before sitting down.

Her glare stayed on me the whole time. I took a deep breath and slowly moved my eyes to Haylie. She was also glaring at me, but this time a wave of guilt washed over me as she stood up. I felt small under her glare. For the first time in a long time, I felt small.

"Haylie. I sing and play the guitar and piano." She said and sat back down with her arms folded. It took an embarrassing amount of seconds for me to pull my eyes away from hers.

"Alright." I said loudly and plastered a smile on. "Who wants to head to the stage first?" I asked.

The class ended both sooner than I would have liked but also not quick enough. They started to file out and to try and calm some nerves, I took a seat behind my desk, waiting for whatever was about to rain down on me.

The classroom was finally empty apart from myself and the two girls stood before me. Glaring with their arms folded.

"You're a liar." Megan spoke first and Haylie, surprisingly, let her glare drop and sighed.

"Megan, maybe you should give us a minute." I couldn't have been more thankful. Megan wasn't someone that was easy to argue with. She was one of these people that always managed to win, whether they were right or wrong.

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