During the ceremony, Daniel was stood as best man at the alter behind Simon. I grinned every time his eyes fell on me. He sent too many winks to count, and I was completely obsessed with the man. He looked so handsome in his suit and even when he was walking down the aisle, Amy on his arm, he still found the time to look for me in the crowd. As soon as his eyes found mine, he grinned and mouthed 'wow' at my appearance.
"Goodness he's obsessed." Jean, his grandmother whispered in my ear as she caught it. And he was right, I did love her instantly.
I was embarrassed to admit I nearly shed a tear when Jess walked down the aisle. Her white lace dress and hair down carelessly made her look like a goddess. And when Simon wiped his eyes, I knew he thought so too. I also knew Daniel was right about that Parker love.
"Wow, it looks so pretty." I commented looking at the white tables and wooden chairs as we entered the garden of the reception.
"Yeah it hasn't looked like this since Sammy and Ricks wedding." Daniel commented, removing my hand from his arm so he could intwine our fingers and lead me over to get a drink. "Here's the man." Daniel commented as he handed me a glass of champagne and Simon approached.
I grinned as Daniel wrapped an arm around his big brother. "How does it feel to be a married man?"
Simon laughed while grabbing a champagne for himself. "Well, an hour in seems to be going pretty well." I laughed drawing his attention. "You look lovely today as well Miss Haylie." I was surprised when I saw Daniels grip tighten on Simons shoulder. "What? I can't compliment your girlfriend? On my own wedding day." I laughed again as Simon shrugged him off. "Don't be jealous."
"I'm not jealous. I'm territorial." He said with a smirk. "Jealous is when you want something that's not yours. Territorial is protecting what's already yours." I laughed but still hit him in the chest.
"I'm not your possession Daniel!" I defended and he pretended to wince after my attack. I soon heard three boyish yells and looked over his shoulder to see Ben, Jamie and Zach approaching.
I watched as they gave their congratulations and soon jumped into a conversation about cars, jobs, adult life essentially. As if sensing my complete cluelessness, Anna soon came and whisked me away.
"Why don't you come and chat with the girls." She whispered as she linked her arm with mine. I laughed and thanked her as we made our way over to one of the beautifully dressed round white tables.
"So, you're the girl that has my nephew jumping through hoops." Lily, Anna's sister, commented after we were introduced.
I froze for a moment before Jean placed a hand on my shoulder. "Oh, she's just joking dear."
"That's a pretty necklace Haylie." Sammy commented while rubbing her very pregnant belly.
I smiled while looking at the silver heart. "Thank you, Daniel bought it for me." The whole table cooed making me laugh.
"Why do you always call him Daniel? You're the only person who does that." Amy commented sipping on her coke.
"I don't know. I like it, and unlike other Daniels I know that's how he first introduced himself. Normally they say hi I'm Danny, or I'm Dan. But he said Daniel." I replied with a shrug. "I guess it kind of stuck."
"Well, I think it's cute." Lily said with a smile. "He would rip anyone else apart if they called him Daniel." She laughed and for a moment I could have sworn Anna froze, but she quickly recovered.
I waved my hand to pass it off. "He's really just a big teddy bear. I've never really seen him angry. Well not 'angry' angry."
Lily scoffed, swirling her red wine. "Well you should know he has to keep a lid on his temper." She said and everyone's head went to her. She opened her mouth to continue but Anna turned to me first.

This love (Teacher/Student)
WerewolfThis is my first teacher/student book. Haylie and her friends decided to escape to France for a little holiday and they didn't expect to meet four amazingly hot guys. Haylie didn't expect to fall in love. But Daniel was even more surprised. Haylie...