Chapter 35

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I slowly opened my eyes but everything was still black. I blinked a few times just to be sure but when I lifted my hands to try and wipe away the confusion, I couldn't.

The panic set in when I realised they were tied, behind my back. "Haylie?" Daniels familiar voice sounded within the room.

I froze for a second, finding peace in my name on from mouth. "Daniel? Daniel what's happening?" I asked and tried to squint to adjust to the darkness while pulling at my arms still tied down. I went to stand but realised my feet were also bound to the legs of the chair.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked, his voice further away then I wanted.

I shook my head. "I don't know. Daniel what's going on?" I asked again my voice breaking.

"Sh, please baby try to calm down and tell me the last thing you remember."

I took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly. "I remember jumping and you... No Zach. Zach caught me." Suddenly the flashback of Zach's lips on mine came and I went silent.

"Then what?" He pressed but I shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I lost you in the crowd. Then..." I trailed off when I remembered the yellow yes. "Oh my god." I gasped and struggled even harder in my chair.

Suddenly the lights came on and it burned my eyes, I slowly opened my eyes again and gasped at what I saw. Daniel was in front of me but he was in a sort of cage. A glass cage. He was kneeling on the floor with blood all over his face and hands.

I opened my mouth to scream something, anything. "Great everybody's awake."

I instantly shut my mouth and turned to the unfamiliar voice. "Megan! Scarlett!" I screamed when I saw my two best friends be pulled into the room in handcuffs.

"Let go of us!" Megan yelled fighting one of the guys that pulled her in. We were in some empty warehouse.

The two guys threw my friends on the floor, right in front of Ben, Jamie and Zach.

"What is happening?!" I cried and the man walked closer to me, then I realised where I knew him from. "You? You were on the bus?" I said remembering him. "You knew my name."

He smiled and knelt down in front of me. His face was skinny, his hair looking a shade darker than blonde from grease running through it. "What?" Daniel suddenly yelled. "You went near her?!" I turned back to him to see him smash his fist into the glass but it didn't break. The man chuckled. "I swear to God Tony I'm going to kill you!" Daniel screamed at 'Tony'.

He was ignored and Tony lifted his hand. I flinched away but he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Don't fucking touch her!" Daniel yelled again and bashed his shoulder against the glass, but it stayed intact. I realised now that tony was the guy they mentioned before. The one that took a shot at Daniel.

"She really is beautiful." Tony said examining my face. Within a second he let go and I felt a sting on my cheek as my head whipped to the side.

I let out a squeal at the impact. "You son of a bitch!" Daniel yelled as I started to cry. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" I could hear the sound of chains being pulled and turned to my friends to see Zach pulling at the chains around his ankles.

"Danny!" He yelled. "Danny man this is what they want! You need to calm down!" Zach yelled in a panic. "Daniel!" He screamed loudly. Daniel fell to his knees and started breathing heavy. "You need to calm down! Haylie is right there! And she's okay, she's fine!" Daniel placed his forehead against the cold floor, and I watched his shoulders shake. "Haylie are you okay?!" Zach yelled and I slowly nodded, even though I was far from it with the tears streaming down my face. "Say it! Tell him! Let him know you're okay!"

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