Chapter 1

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Melody's POV

Beep beep beep ~~~

My alarm finally rang. I had been awake way before the time I had set last night before sleeping. I was so excited that I didn't sleep well last night. But that didn't deter my mood and energy. I was high even without my caffeine intake. This is my first day and I am feeling good about it.

I am cleaning my kitchen up after I am done preparing my lunchbox. I had graduated with honours three months ago. Although I had earned myself full scholarship for my university, I still need to save up for raining days. I do not want to go back to the days when I had to starve. My parents were not around when I was very young. My grandmother took care of me till she passed away when I was 16 years old.

My house is a small one-bedroom apartment. That's enough for me; I do not need a bigger space when it's just me alone. What's the point plus I had to fork out almost thirty percent more of what I am paying now. It is a small cozy place; somewhere I am calling home now.

I had decided to take a slow walk to my new job since I have time and I wanted to get to know my new neighbourhood. I had just moved in last week. It's walking distance to my office which definitely a plus point. I can save on the transport.

It was a breezy summer morning. I breathe in the fresh crisp air as I pushed open the door to the streets. Many people were already on the streets. I specifically chose this part of the town I called home now as I like to observe my surroundings. Especially people. A person looks the same as every other people, but their mind works and thinks differently. He could be a kind-hearted person who helps a granny cross the road. But he could be an evil person behind his fake façade.

There's a park with a small playground opposite my building. I had seen children playing every evening through my window. They looked so carefree and happy. Will I ever be like them?

I am listening to my favourite song when suddenly it stops and Jo's name appears on my handphone screen.

"Today is my lucky day! You are usually still sleeping at this time." I spoke while smiling to myself.

Jo is my best friend. She has been my confidante throughout the years we have known each other. I have known her when we were both working part-time at a fine dining restaurant during our school days. She is just working to pass time while I work to put food on my plate.

"Hey! I do wake up early too." She giggled. "I am calling to wish you luck on your first day and don't miss me too much while I am away for the week."

Jo is a youtuber. She has millions of followers. To say she is pretty is a huge understatement. She is gorgeous! Strawberry blonde hair with a body that left guys drooling. Till today, I still have no idea why she had spoken to me that day. I am usually the quiet one while she is always so bubbly.

"Don't forget to give me a text when you'd touchdown and definitely don't slot in any plans on this Friday. It's our weekly girl's night." I'd said.

"I know. Don't worry, it's a short flight. Anyway, I'll need to get going. Alex will nag at me again if I am still in my bed when he arrives. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

I stared ahead after ending the call with Jo. Media Management company logo is looking right back at me. I smiled.

Finally, I feel like living again after all these years. This is a second chance given to me which I have no intention of giving up.

Media management is a company that manage artistes. They are very well-known in this entertainment industry. There are many new and upcoming actors and singers who wanted to join this company so that their future will be smooth sailing and bright. They will have more opportunities given and this company makes sure of that. Many of these artistes that they had managed turns out to be very popular and in high demand. Their reputation is unbreakable. Their employees' turnover rate over the years are so low. So, when I saw a job opening on their website three months ago, I had to submit my resume in. I had to get in; this is my only chance.

Lady luck was on my side this time.

The building looks like a normal office building at first glance. There are busy people everywhere. But when you walked in to the lobby, it's like walking into an art gallery. Artistic sculptures and expensive looking art pieces are everywhere.

I walked straight to the lift area. It's already crowded in this early morning. I looked at my reflection through the lift doors. I look decent in a long-sleeves dress that reaches my knee. I had paired it with a ballerina flats. I preferred comfy then having the chances of falling face down. That would be too embarrassing on a first day.

Everyone tries to enter that one lift that opens. I tried to get in too.

Trust me when I said I tried.

I looked at the red-hair girl in front of me. She smirked at me before the lift door closed.

"You are really lucky if you can get in the first one." I heard someone speaking besides me.

I looked up and saw a pair of green eyes looking down at me. His eyes are sparkling and there are smile lines donning his beautiful face. He is tall and he is wearing a posh looking suit that fits very well. He has those aristocratic face which makes him quite handsome.

Just then, another lift door opened. I was being pushed towards the lift this time.

I tried to stand at least a foot away from everyone in the lift. It's my defensive mechanism to not get too close to another human being. Green eye handsome seems to notice my discomfort. He tried to use his laptop bag to block the man standing in front of me. I smiled at him. Silently thanking him for this gesture.

When the lift stops at 20th floor, I was happy to be out of the lift.

"Hello. This is Melody Jeremy. I am the new Management Trainee. I was told to look for Jared."

I said to the brunette who is typing on her keyboard at the nearest desk from the lift. She had a dark rimmed eyeglass on her.

"Oh hello! Come with me, Jared is already in his office." She is very chirpy. Seems like there's no Monday blues here. I was glad.

"Call me Sydney. I am the receptionist for this floor. Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure meeting you." I said.

"Come in." A male voice came through the glass door on the other side after Sydney had knocked on it.

"Good morning, Jared! This is Melody Jeremy. I'll will see you both later." Sydney replied in a chirpy voice and went out of the room.

Jared looked up and smiles. He has the perfect set of teeth. Eyes bright with friendliness.

"Good morning, Melody. Come take a seat." He stood up and extended his hand for me to shake. He then gestures to the chair in front of his desk where he is on the other side. "I'll be your mentor and you will report to me directly. Try to get familiar with what we are doing as soon as possible as we are in a fast-paced environment. Every second counts. Time is money."

I nodded.

Most of the time, I'll need to get myself busy to get my mind off things I didn't want to remember.

Every second counts...

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