Chapter 6

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Melody's POV

Daniel has left me at the studio. I didn't spot any red car when I had stepped out to the parking area.

I hopped in my car and started towards the direction of his house. I placed my phone on its holder and start scrolling his name. "Pick up your phone, you this annoying man."

My guessing is he went back to his apartment. He doesn't have any job scheduled after this perfume advertisement shoot.

True enough, I spotted him at his living room when I had entered his house. He is holding a PS 5 controller on his hand and is waiting for his PlayStation to start up.

"You didn't pick up my calls." I stand by the sofa he is currently sitting on.

"Didn't you know that you can't talk while driving. It's dangerous." He glanced at me and raise a brow.

I had to swallow my anger down.

"I am hungry, cook me something to eat." He says while pressing the buttons on his controller.

"Dinner is ready." I shouted. His kitchen is an open-concept design. I can see him while I was cooking. He is good at beating the shit out of the monsters.

He paused his game and walk over to the dining area. "What did you cook?"

"Korean beef stew." I answered and went back to the kitchen to start cleaning up.

"Sit with me."

I looked back at him. Did I hear him wrong? I think I am starting to have illusion.

When I did nothing but stood rooted, he came around me and hold me by my shoulders. He guided me to the chair and pushed me down to sit. He then rounds the table and sit opposite me.

For the whole time that he ate, I just stared at him. His complexion is flawless; sharp jawline, high cheekbone, pump lips. His lashes are so long when he looked down at the food I had prepared. Why does men always have longer lashes then women? Life is always not fair.

When he was done eating, I collected the dishes while he continued his game play. There's this comfortable silence between us. Although he is as annoying as a toddler, I'd felt safe in his presence. For a very long time, I hadn't had this kind of feeling around men.

It was late and it's time for me to go. Daniel is in the bathroom showering. So, I left him a note:


Jared asked me to remind you about submitting your new songs to him soon.

You do not have any scheduled job tomorrow. I'll be in the office. Just give me a call should you need me.

Good night.


I took a quick shower when I am back home. While lying on my bed, I kept thinking back to the events that had happened today. I missed him already.

It's Friday afternoon, I was in the pantry eating my packed lunch. Most of the colleagues had gone out for lunch. Jo had messaged me asking me to join her parents for dinner. It does not matter to me as long as we'll still have our girls' night. Her parents treated me like their own daughter.

"You didn't wait for me."

I looked up and saw Daniel standing in front of me. He had an oversize t-shirt and shorts. He looks boyish.

"Huh?" I asked confused. Did he asked me to wait for him last night? "I guess you don't need me anymore so I went back home. I left you a note."

He looks like he is about to retaliate when Wilson comes into the pantry.

"Alexis told me you are here. How's the songs? We need it for post production." Wilson says to Daniel. "Hi Melody, you are here. I hope Daniel did not give you any trouble." He smiles and his dimple appears.

"Nope. He is so cute like a toddler." I smiled back. From my peripheral vision, I saw Daniel glaring at me. My life seems to be getting better.

"I'll get going. Have a good weekend, gentlemen." I begin to pack my containers and head out to my office.

Apparently, the model that didn't show up yesterday had a car accident while on the way to the studio. Her manager was the one who drove the car. Luckily both of them are doing well in the hospital now.

I was sorting my calendar for the jobs scheduled for Daniel for the coming week. He needs to be in London for a fashion show. He is the brand ambassador and there will be a magazine shoot when he is there as well. I'll need to plan his flight schedule and the hotel stay arrangements. According to Jared, we'll be staying at Maison Hotel.

Daniel's parents are founders of Maison group. Their business involved in hotels and restaurants spanning across all continents. He has an older brother and sister. Daniel is the youngest. If someday he doesn't want to work in this industry anymore, he can go help his parents.

A message came through and Daniel's name appears on my handphone screen.

'Wait for me next time.'

I smiled.

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